Help Centre Forum


TOTECS Platform Release 12.01

Author moderator
26th September 2017

New Features

TOT-3572 - Forgot Password content managed web page area

On a content managed web page a new area called "Forgot Password" has been created within the User Login/Logout area section. The Forgot Password area allows a user to search for their security question based on either Login ID or email. Once the users account has successfully been found, if they have set a security question, they will be shown the security question as well as an input for entering the security question answer. Upon successfully answering the security question, the user will receive an email containing a new temporary password, and a link to a login page which can be set in the Forgot Password area options. The area takes over the forgot password functionality embedded within the User Login area.
Formats for the new Forgot Password area can be found within the Web Area Formats Libraries, in the User Login/Logout section, in the Forgot Password section.
Two formats are available, the new Forgot Password Form format and the existing Forgot Password Email format.
Within the Forgot Password Form format, the following hooks are available:

  • user_input_select - Select input which allows user to switch from Login ID to email searching.
  • user_login_id_input - Text input where user enters login id.
  • user_email_input - Text input where user enters email.
  • forgot_password_question - HTML span element which contains users security question.
  • user_answer_input - Text input where user enters question answer.
  • forgot_password_status - HTML span element which shows status messages.
  • forgot_password_button_id - ID to set for the form submit button/anchor.
  • forgot_password_button_onclick - onclick to set for the form submit button/anchor.

Functionality Affected: Forgot Password content managed web page area
Impact: normal


TOT-3249 - Hooks to display freight details associated to an invoice in the Customer Account Invoice content managed web page area

On a content managed web page that displays a Customer Account Invoice area, hooks have been added that can display the freight information associated to the invoice. These freight details include consignment number, freight carrier name, tracking code, freight carrier code, and account code.
The following hooks have been added:

  • invoice_freight_carrier_name
  • invoice_freight_carrier_code
  • invoice_freight_system_code
  • invoice_freight_carrier_consign_code
  • invoice_freight_carrier_tracking_code
  • invoice_freight_carrier_service_code
  • invoice_freight_carrier_account_code

Functionality Affected: Customer Account Invoice content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3474 - Display web page area IDs and container IDs within the Web Page Editor admin centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, within the Websites interface, after right clicking on a web page and clicking on the View All Areas menu item, in the All Areas interface there is now the ability to see the IDs of the web page areas and container IDs.
For each web page area its ID now displays to the left of the area name. For containers the ID can be found by hovering the mouse over the container's hook name.
Additionally the containers have been sorted so that the local containers always appear above the global containers. This makes it easier for administrator users to find local web page areas.

Functionality Affected: Web Page Editor administration centre interface
Impact: Minor

TOT-3546 - Add product detail URL hook into Redeemable Deal Products Listing content managed webpage area's Product Deal Record format

On a content managed web page that displays a Redeemable Deal Products Listing area, for products displayed in the area using the Redeemable Deal Product Record format a hook is now available that links to a web page that displays the details of the product.
Within the area's settings there is a setting that allows an administrator user to configure the web page that the product detail URL links to.

Functionality Affected: Redeemable Deal Products Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3608 - Display Company Name field with User Details Administration Centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Users menu, within the Search Users interface, after performing a user search and finding users, clicking on the user's login ID brings up the User Details interface.
Within that a text field has been added that displays the company name field associated to the user. This allows company names associated to users to be set, then displayed within content managed websites.

Functionality Affected: Uset Details administration centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3675 - New news/blog groups created through website deployer within Websites admin centre interface to be assigned only to new website

Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, within the Websites interface, after an admin user clicks on the New Website button, upon selecting a Master Website Design from the Design drop down and clicking the Create button, a new content managed website is being created as well as new news/blog groups for that website.
For these new news/blog groups the "displayed as" setting is now set to "Content Managed Website" by default to ensure that the new news/blog groups only appear on the new content managed website.

Functionality Affected: Websites administration centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3678 - Hooks to display tax pricing for each product ordered in the Order Confirmation Email notification

When an order is submitted from either the Trade interface or a content managed website, in the Order Confirmation Email that is sent out there is now the ability to show the unit and overall tax pricing that has been applied to each product line in the order.
Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, within the Order settings menu option, under the Order Notification Emails heading the format labeled "Order Confirmation Email Order Detail Product Format" the following new hooks have been added:

  • order_product_price_unit_tax - Monetary amount of tax applied to each unit of product ordered.
  • order_product_price_total_tax - Monetary amount of tax applied to the overall quantities of product units ordered.

Functionality Affected: Order Confirmation Email notification
Impact: Normal

TOT-3680 - Display product attribute search profile attribute values with counts of products and filtering

Within the Administration Centre, under the Inventory menu, within the Search Profiles page, when editing a search profile with the search type, Product Attribute, new settings have been added to the Assign Search Attribute dialog which can be seen when adding or updating a Product Attribute assigned to the Search Profile.
The area now supports multiple styles of filtering, dynamic searching and showing Attribute Value counts.Filtering options:

  • All attribute values - This option will show all attribute values assigned to the selected Product Attribute
  • Values assigned to active visible products - This option will show attribute values assigned to the selected Product Attribute, where products are active and visible
  • Values relevant to search results or category listing - This option will show attribute values assigned to the selected Product Attribute, where products exists within either the current search results, or the current category listing page. This option will cause the list of attribute values to refine if a dynamic search is performed. For attribute values displayed as dropdowns, checkboxes or radio buttons, a "Show All" option will be added
Dynamic searching:
Enabling dynamic searching means that when a user selects an attribute value, the search form and search results will refresh. If this is used in combination with the filtering option "Values relevant to search results of category listing", the list will immediately refine upon selecting an attribute value.
If you wish to use dynamic searching and relevant filtering, but do not wish for the list of attribute values to immediately refine, a new hook has been added to the Search Profile Form format, which can be found on the Websites page, under Web Area Formats Libraries, under Search, within Product Search Form (Using Search Profiles). The new hook is called "dynamic_advsearch_onclick" and is used in the same manner as the existing "advsearch_onclick" hook, except it causes the search form to dynamically reload. This should be used in conjuction with another button containing the second new hook, "dynamic_clearsearch_onclick", which will cause the search form to be cleared of selected values when clicked.

Show Attribute Value Count:
  • No count - no count will be displayed against attribute values
  • Inline - a simple count will be displayed in brackets next the each attribute value
  • Span - a count will be displayed within span tags next to each attribute value, allowing for custom styling. Not available for all attribute display types.

Functionality Affected: Search Profiles administration centre interface, Product Search Form (using Search Profiles) content managed web page area
Impact: major

TOT-3682 - Initially filter product attribute values displayed in search form elements based on products that are initially searched for

On a content managed web page that contains a Product Search Form (Using Search Profiles) content managed web page area and displays a Product Attribute Search Form within the area, when the area is initially displayed and an attribute product search is called (either because a category ID exists within the web page's URL, or an attribute search is called upon) then the attribute values displayed within the area will only display if they are assigned to the products that were found in the search.
For each product attribute, there is the ability to independently control if its initial values are filtered or not, through a configurable setting when assigning the attribute to the product attribute search profile.
This setting can be found within the Administration Centre, under the Inventory menu, in the Search Profiles page, when editing a search profile with the Search Type set to Product Attribute, under the Search Profile Attributes heading a list of Product Attributes assigned to the search profile can be viewed.
Upon adding or modifying an attribute within this list, the "Show filtered results on initial search" checkbox can be accessed.

Functionality Affected: Search Profiles administration centre interface, Product Search Form (using Search Profiles) content managed web page area
Impact: major

TOT-3685 - User Search Rules to find users who are assigned to a customer account that is assigned to a sales rep ID

Within the Administration Centre, under the Users menu, within the Search Users interface, as well as within Marketing menu under the Marketing User Groups interface, after selecting Order History option from the Search Category drop down, the following search rule has been added:

  • Select all %value1% users assigned to an account with Sales Rep ID %equaling% %value2% and account is %value3%
This search rule will find all users who are assigned to a customer account, where the account has an ID matching a given search string.

Functionality Affected: User Search, Marketing User Groups administration centre interface
Impact: minor

TOT-3687 - User search rules to match users based on not equal to, not starting with, not ending with, and not containing operators

Within the Administration Centre, under the Users menu, within the Search Users interface, as well as within Marketing menu, under the Marketing User Groups interface, for the existing user search rules there are now operators set that allow users to be matched on that are not equal to, not start with, not ending with, or not containing based on the rule's search terms.
These new options can be used for finding users within the User Search administration interface, as well as assigning users to deals, or assigning users to receive Emedia Emails.

Functionality Affected: User Search, Marketing User Groups administration centre interface
Impact: minor

TOT-3688 - User Search Rules to find users who have ordered or not products based on a category over a date period

Within the Administration Centre, under the Users menu, within the Search Users interface, as well as within Marketing menu under the Marketing User Groups interface, after selecting Order History option from the Search Category drop down, the following Search Rules have been added to the Search Rules drop down:

  • Select users who have ordered products assigned to category with the ID %equaling% %value1% in the last %value2% %value3%s
    • selects users who have ordered products in the last number of days|weeks|months, where the products are assigned to category matching a specified ID
  • Select users who have not ordered products assigned to category with the ID %equaling% %value1% in the last %value2% %value3%s
    • selects users who have ordered products within a given start and end dates, where the products are assigned to category matching a specified ID
  • Select users who have ordered products assigned to category with the ID %equaling% %value1% in the date range from %value2% to %value3%.
    • selects users who have not ordered products in the last number of days|weeks|months, where the products are assigned to category matching a specified IDto category matching a specified ID
  • Select users who have not ordered products assigned to category with the ID %equaling% %value1% in the date range from %value2% to %value3%.
    • selects users who have not ordered products within a given start and end dates, where the products are assigned to category matching a specified ID

Functionality Affected: User Search, Marketing User Groups administration centre interface
Impact: minor

TOT-3689 - Product search rules to match product based on not equal to, not starting with, not ending with, and not containing operators

Within the Administration Centre, under the Inventory menu, within the Product Search interface, as well as within Marketing menu, under the Product Deals and Vouchers interface, for the existing product search rules there are now operators set that allow products to be matched on that are not equal to, not start with, not ending with, or not containing based on the rule's search terms.
This has been placed into the search rule under the "Category" search category, for the rule labelled: "Select products %value1% to a category with the category %value2% %equaling% %value3%".

Functionality Affected: Product Search, Product Deals and Vouchers administration centre interface
Impact: minor

Bug Fixes

TOT-3677 - Deal total saved price hooks within Basket Products Listing content managed webpage area incorrectly rounding pricing based on "Quantity Decimal Places" setting

Within a content managed web page containing a Basket Products Listing area, for each product displayed in the Basket Product Deal Format the $deal_total_saved_price_label$ hook was displaying pricing data that was being rounded to a number of decimal places the is determined by the 'Quantity Decimal Places' setting found in the Products Settings within the Inventory Settings in the Admin Centre.
Within the Basket Products Listing area, for each of the products displayed that contained a deal applied to it, for the deal saved pricing hooks the pricing is now correctly rounded to the number of decimal places using the "Price Decimal Places" project setting, found within the Administration Centre under the Inventory menu's Products settings interface.

Functionality Affected: Basket Products Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Minor