Help Centre Forum


Allowing specific products to be seen by Guest users, but not allowing them to be added to Cart.

Author Darren Smith
4th December 2018
A TOTECS customer would like to restrict Guest users from adding specific products to the Cart, but still allow them to view the specific product and their prices. I have set up a new Inventory Role, to match the Default Inventory Role and added Item Overrides for each product code with, Allow for View Product, and Deny for Add Product, Dropship Product and Product Backorder Check. The override Conditions used Where/Product/Item Id/Equals/Value (Value is substitued with product code). The new Inventory Role was Saved, Generate Inventory Permissions was run and the Assign User(s) to Roles used to assign the new Inventory Role to the {GUEST} user.
However, the product codes listed in the overrides can still be added to Cart.
Have I missed a step in the process?

TOTECS - Ecommerce Services Coordinator