Help Centre Forum


TOTECS Platform Release 10.01

Author moderator
23rd October 2015

New Features

TOT-2960 - Order Freight integration with IFS SmartFreight

The TOTECS platform now has the ability to send submitted orders off to IFS SmartFreight's software which allows freight consignment notes to be generated in its system, as well use IFS SmartFreight's webservice to obtain freight carrier quotes to allow users to choose the freight carrier of choice for an order, as well as having order freight surcharges automatically be calculated.

Below are the details of the changes to make this functionality possible.


New Administration Centre Settings

Within the Administration Centre, under the Online Stores section, an new menu item has been added labelled "Freight Providers". Within the Freight Providers settings interface the following settings have been created.

  • Integrated Freight: If set to Yes then the freight integration feature is turned on. This setting controls if freight carrier quotes, and integration into IFS SmartFreight is allowed.

  • Freight Provider Calculate Order Freight Surcharge: If set to Yes then when a user is creating an order through the checkout process in either the Trade interface or through a content managed website, after the user has submitted the order's details, the user will be shown a selection of freight carriers obtained from IFS SmartFreight's webservice, and the user must choose 1 freight carrier in order to proceed with creating the order.

  • Freight Provider Surcharge Calculation Fail Action: If in the Order Surcharges interface a "Set Freight Charge From IFS SmartFrieght" IF node has been set, but when IFS Smartfreight is called and fails to return any freight carrier pricing, this setting controls if the order surcharge rules should continue to be processed when the setting is set to "Continue Processing Surcharge Rules", or if the order surcharge calculations should abort and the user be notified that the freight carrier data could not proceed with creating the order, which occurs when the setting is set to "Abort Processing Surcharge Rules".

A number of settings have been created under the Freight Provider - IFS SmartFreight settings section, these are:

  • IFS SmartFreight Web Service User ID: ID of the user that the TOTECS platform will try to connect to IFS Smartfreight's webservice. This needs to be obtained from IFS.

  • IFS SmartFreight Web Service User Password: Password of the user that the TOTECS platform will try to connect to IFS Smartfreight's webservice. This needs to be obtained from IFS.

  • IFS SmartFreight Web Service Reference ID: Identifier that allows IFS to see requests to their webservice coming from the TOTECS project. This can be set to any value, or left empty.

  • SmartFreight Order Sender Address: Controls the address that will be set as the sender address when the order data is given to IFS SmartFreight's software. The setting can be one of the values:

  • Project Organisation Address: Address set in the TOTECS project organisation settings, from the Stores menu, in the Organisation settings interface. This address will always be the same for all orders sent to IFS SmartFreight.

  • Order Billing Address: Address set as the billing address of the order.

  • Do Not Set Sender Address: No address will be set as the sender address of the freight order.

  • Freight Unit: Set the unit of freight that informs the freight carrier of how the ordered products will be shipped together.

  • Volume Per Freight Unit (In Metres Cubed): Set how many metres cubed fits into the selected freight unit. This setting is used to calculate the total volume of the order and how much quantity of the set freight unit must be shipped.

  • Order Date Format: Set how dates are formatted on the consignment note.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, in the Order settings interface the following settings have been added under the Order Notification Emails section, these are:

  • Order Freight Update Email Subject: Sets the subject that users will see when viewing the Email sent to them to notify changes to the freight in a given order.

  • Order Freight Update Email Message Format: Sets the contents of the Email that users will receive with the Email sent to them to notify of changes to freight for a given order.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, in the Checkout settings interface the following setting has been added under the Order Validation Messages section:

  • 3rd Party Freight Carrier Not Found: Contains a message displayed to the user if no freight carrier was selected at the time of submitting the details of an order, or the the selected freight carrier could not be used to obtain the freight surcharge pricing for the order.

New Order Surcharges Settings

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, in the Order Surcharges interface the follow nodes have been created:

  • An Action Surcharge rule can now be set to the value "Set Freight Charge Form IFS Smart Freight". When this is set it will cause a request to be sent off to IFS SmartFreight's webservice to obtain a price for a freight carrier selected by the user in the order detail pages on the Trade interface, or content managed website's Order Checkout/Submission web page areas. If no freight carrier was selected then the request will fail, unless the user was using the surcharge calculator to obtain a freight. If that occurs then the freight price returned will be the set as the cheapest price that IFS SmartFreight's webservice provided. Note that if the "Integrated Freight" project setting is set to No, or the "Freight Provider Calculate Order Freight Surcharge" setting is set to No then this Action surcharge node will be ignored when surcharges are being calculated for orders.

  • An IF Surcharge rule can now be set to the variable "External Freight Quote Applied": This variable will either be set to the value Y or N. It will be set to the value Y if the order freight surcharge was calculated from a request to an external web service (such IFS SmartFreight) was able to set the value of the freight surcharge. Use the IF node to detect if an external freight provider could calculate freight or not, and if not then have actions that allow surcharges to continue to be calculated, if the "Freight Provider Surcharge Calculation Fail Action" setting is set to continue.

Order Interface Administration Centre Changes

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, in the Orders interface, two new search fields have been added to the search filters, these are: Freight Status: Allows users to find orders that have either been sent off to a 3rd party freight provider, or not. Freight Con. No: Allows users to find orders based on matching a consignment note number associated with the order. If the drop down is set to Freight Provider Code then orders can be found based on matching the freight provider's code assigned to the order when it was sent to the provider. Upon clicking on the Order Number, on the Order Details page a "Freight Information" section will display if the "Integrated Freight" project setting has been set to Yes. This section allows the the administrator user to change details about the freight associated with the order, such as:

  • Freight carrier: Name of the freight carrier shipping the order

  • Freight carrier service: Name of the service that the freight carrier provides when shipping the order. Not all carriers have service names.

  • Freight carrier account: Account code that the freight carrier has set up.

  • Consignment Number: Number that allows the consignment note to be tracked by the freight carrier.

  • Freight Provider: Name of the organisation that allows the order freight data to be obtained and given to freight carriers.

  • Freight Provider Ref. Code: Reference code that the freight provider gives when sending the order data to its web service.

From the Order Detail page the order freight data can be resent to the freight provider using the Send or Resend button that appears next to the Freight order Status field. Additionally orders that have not been sent to the freight provider can also be marked as sent by administrator's clicking on the Mark As Sent button. If the consignment number is set for the order, then it will also display under the carrier field in the top left corner.


Home Interface Administration Centre Changes

If an order could not be sent to a freight provider when it was submitted, then in the Alerts panel a line will display to the Administrator User advising that the freight is still unsent for the order, and allow the administrator to click on a link to view all the orders with unsent freight in the Orders interface.


Content Managed Website Changes

The following changes have been added to areas for content managed web page areas, these are:

Order Connector Export Changes

  • Order Checkout/Submission area, Guest Order Checkout/Submission area

    • Order Details Form format, Guest Order Details Form format

      • freight_carrier_selection_available_wrapper_id: Hook to be placed in an ID attribute of a HTML element that wraps around the freight carrier selection form.

      • freight_carrier_selection_back_onclick: Javascript function to be embedded in a HTML element event attribute to allow a user to navigate back to the order details form.

      • freight_carrier_selection_next_onclick: Javascript function to be embedded in a HTML element event attribute to allow a user to submit the order details form with the freight carrier selection.

      • freight_carrier_selection_none_wrapper_id: Hook to be placed in an ID attribute of the HTML element that allows a message to display if no freight carrier service records were obtained from a 3rd party freight provider. This message inside the element should inform the user that they cannot proceed to submit the order.

      • freight_carrier_selection_wrapper_id: Hook to be placed in an ID attribute of a HTML element that contains all elements required for the freight carrier selection form. This element is used to hide or show the freight carrier selection form.

      • order_detail_form_wrapper_id: Hook to be placed in an ID attribute of a HTML element that contains all the element required for the order details form. This element is used to hide or show the form if the freight carrier selection form needs to be shown after the user has entered the order's details.



    • Freight Carrier Service Record format

        This new format displays the details of a single freight carrier and its service obtained from a 3rd party freight provider (such as IFS) to allow the user to choose the freight carrier to deliver the goods of the order. This format will be added to the freight carrier list that will be embedded in the Order Details Form format, or Guest Order Details Format format to allow users to choose a freight provider to use to ship the order products. The format contains the following hooks:

      • freight_carrier: Name of the freight carrier

      • freight_carrier_selection_radio: HTML radio input element used to allow the user to select the freight carrier option

      • freight_carrier_service: Name of the service that the freight carrier provides to ship the order. Note that same freight carriers do not have a service name.

      • freight_service_cost_ex_tax: Cost to use the freight carrier to ship the order exclusive of tax. Pricing is in the currency designated by the 3rd party freight provider.

      • freight_service_cost_inc_tax: Cost to use the freight carrier to ship the order inclusive of tax. Pricing is in the currency designated by the 3rd party freight provider.

      • freight_service_cost_tax: Cost of tax to use the freight carrier to ship the order. Pricing is in the currency designated by the 3rd party freight provider.

      • freight_service_delivery_time: Estimated time in hours that it will for the freight carrier to ship the order. Note that freight providers may not provide a time estimate.



>When an order is sent to the Connector, the freight details of the order are now also sent to the connector. This includes the freight carrier, freight carrier service, consignment number, freight provider, and freight provider code.

Trade Interface Changes

If the "Integrated Freight" setting is set to Yes then the following changes can occur in the Trade interface:

  • On the Order Details page if the "Freight Provider Calculate Order Freight Surcharge" project setting is set to Yes, then when the user clicks a Next button a request will be sent to IFS SmartFreight to obtain a list of carriers who can ship the order and for how much. If the IFS SmartFreight service could not return any data then the user will be advised that the order cannot be completed, unless the "Freight Provider Surcharge Calculation Fail Action" project setting is set to Continue. In that case the user would proceed through the order process as normal.

  • After a user has submitted an order, if the "Send Freight Orders To 3rd Party Freight Provider" project setting is set to either "IFS SmartFreight - Partial Import" or "IFS SmartFreight - Full Import", then the order will be attempted to be sent to IFS SmartFreight webservice. If the setting was set to Partial Import then the order will only appear in IFS SmartFreight's application as a partial import requiring a person to complete the details of the connote and submit to the selected freight carrier. If the setting was set to Full Import then IFS SmartFreight will try to send it to the choose carrier, if a carrier was selected at the Order Details page. If the order is not complete then IFS SmartFreight will convert it to a partial imported consignment note, requiring a person to complete the order. If the order was submitted to the carrier then the carrier will create the consignment note in their system.

  • If an order is submitted as a pending order, then when a user reviewing the order makes changes, the user has the ability to set the freight carrier to the order if the "Freight Provider Calculate Order Freight Surcharge" project setting is set to Yes.

  • After an order is submitted, in the Order History page, when a user views the details of the order they will be able to set the following freight fields:

  • Freight Carrier

  • Freight Carrier Service

  • Consignment Number

Content Managed Website Changes

In a content managed website containing pages with either Guest Order Checkout/Submission or Order Checkout/Submission areas, the following now occurs:

  • On the Order Details page if the "Freight Provider Calculate Order Freight Surcharge" project setting is set to Yes, then when the user clicks a Next button a request will be sent to IFS SmartFreight to obtain a list of carriers who can ship the order and for how much. If the IFS SmartFreight service could not return any data then the user will be advised that the order cannot be completed. Upon the freight carriers being obtain the area will have its order details form hidden, and the freight carrier service selection form shown.

  • After a user has submitted an order, if the "Send Freight Orders To 3rd Party Freight Provider" project setting is set to either "IFS SmartFreight - Partial Import" or "IFS SmartFreight - Full Import", then the order will be attempted to be sent to IFS SmartFreight webservice. If the setting was set to Partial Import then the order will only appear in IFS SmartFreight's application as a partial import requiring a person to complete the details of the connote and submit to the selected freight carrier. If the setting was set to Full Import then IFS SmartFreight will try to send it to the choose carrier, if a carrier was selected at the Order Details page. If the order is not complete then IFS SmartFreight will convert it to a partial imported consignment note, requiring a person to complete the order. If the order was submitted to the carrier then the carrier will create the consignment note in their system.

  • After an order is submitted, in the Order History areas, when a user views the details of the order they will be able to set the following freight fields if they have been embedded in the Order Print Detail format of the User Details/Favourites/Orders area:

  • Freight Carrier

  • Freight Carrier Service

  • Consignment Number

  • In the Basket Products Listing area to allow the Surcharge Calculator to be used, the Basket Surcharge Calculator must have all the address field hooks, postcode, and country hooks embedded in the format. Users need to fill all of these fields in order for freight surcharges to be calculated from a 3rd party freight provider, (such as IFS SmartFreight).

Data Setup

The following data needs to be setup in a TOTECS project:

  • To allow freight carrier cost estimates to be obtained, or order to be sent off to IFS SmartFreight webservice in Full Import, the kinds of data that need to be set:

    • Products must have length, width, and height field values set, with values set in Metres.

    • Products must have the weight field set, with values set in Kilograms.

  • User and Customer Account addresses must conform to IFS SmartFreight's standards, these are:

    • Address 1: Contains unit number and street address

    • Address 2: Contains suburb/town/city name

    • Adresss 3: Contains state/province

    • Postcode is set

    • Country is set

  • User and Customer Account addresses could also be set to the following using the 4th address field in a TOTECS project if it is turned on:

    • Address 1: Contains unit number and/or street address

    • Address 2: Contains unit number and/or street address

    • Address 3: Contains suburb/town/city name

    • Adresss 4: Contains state/province

    • Postcode is set

    • Country is set

  • Partial Order Imports into IFS SmartFreight's service do not require the product dimension data, weight, or address data to be properly formatted, however it would require more time for a person to manually set this data.


Functionality Affected: Order Details trade interface page, Pending Order Details trade interface page, Order Details administration centre interface, Order Surcharges administration centre interface, Orders administration centre interface, Home administration centre interface, Order Checkout/Submission content managed web page areas, Order Submission process

Impact: Normal

TOT-3180 - Order Freight Update Email Notifications

We have added the ability for administrator users to send out Email notifications to advise users of the freight status of the order. The layout, content, and styling of the Email notification can be customised, as well as allow administrators to add a customised message before they send out a notification. Additionally administrators can set the freight carrier, freight carrier service, and consignment number data to the order, allowing this information to additonally display when a user views the order history.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, in the Orders interface, upon clicking on the ID of an order, in the Order Details screen, if the Integrated Freight feature has been turned on then a button will display labelled "Send Freight Update", that allows the admin user to see the "Order Freight Update Email Notification" dialog.

In the dialog the user can set a custom message, as well as set a comma delimited list of emails. Upon the user clicking the Send Notification button an Email notification will be sent out to the user assigned to the order, as well as any emails given in the Additional Recipients list. The Email will be able to show the recipient any changes to the order, and its freight.

The subject of the Email and, the message content can be customised with the following settings found within the Stores menu, in the Order settings interface:

  • Order Freight Update Email Subject: Sets the subject of the message

  • Order Freight Update Email Message Format: Sets the contents of the notification Email, and allows different data of the order to be embedded in the Email notification.

Functionality Affected: Order Details administration centre interface

Impact: Normal


TOT-3156 - Hooks for meta data of a product in the Product Detail content managed web page area

On a web page containing a Product Detail content managed web page area in its Product Detail format has been modified to now have the following hooks available to it:

  • _P_MetaTitle: Meta title of the product, containing data normally used to display in the title of a web page

  • _P_MetaDescription: Meta Description of the product, containing data normally embedded in the meta description tag of a web page

  • _P_MetaKeywords: Meta Keywords of the product, containing data normally embedded in the meta keywords tag of a web page

These additional hooks allow more product data to be displayed to the user. Typically these product meta data fields would only be embedded within the hidden parts of a web page.

Functionality Affected: Product Details content managed web page area

Impact: Normal

TOT-3160 - Submit order Email address and card holder name to Eway when order is paid by credit card

When an order is being paid via credit card either through the Trade interface, or a content managed website, if the credit card payment is being made through the Eway payment gateway, the following details will be given to Eway for order payments:

  • The Email address assigned to the order

  • The contact name assigned to the order

  • The order ID will be set as the transaction reference

  • The account ID assigned to the order will be set in the transaction description

For invoice payments the following details will be set:

  • The Email address assigned to the user

  • The Contact address assigned to the user

  • The payment ID will be set as the transaction description

  • The account ID assigned to the user will be set in the transaction description

Functionality Affected: Order payments, customer account invoice payment process

Impact: Normal

TOT-3168 - Enquiry form to send confirmation email to the user using registering email

Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, in the Websites interface, when modifying a content managed web page through the Web Page Editor interface, in the Enquiry Form area editor we have added a setting labelled "Set Emarketing Email In From Address".

If that setting is turned on and the enquiry form contains an Emarketing Email element, then when the user sets an Email address in the form element, that email that the user entered will be set as the From address in the Email notification that gets sent out after the user has submitted the enquiry form.

This functionality is useful if the enquiry form Email notification is sent to another system that sends back an automatic reply. Now the automatic reply can go back to the originating person, instead of the administrator Email.

Functionality Affected: Enquiry Form content managed web page area

Impact: Normal

TOT-3138 - Within the Categories Administration Centre allow users to delete all products within a category

Within the Administration Centre we have now made its possible for administrator users to be able to delete all products assigned to a category.

From the Administration Centre, under the Inventory menu, in the Categories interface, if an administrator user right clicks on a category assigned to a web managed tree, a menu item labelled "Delete Products" now displays that allows the user to delete all products within the selected category.

Upon the user clicking the menu item then clicking Yes in the confirmation dialog the products will be removed from the category.

Note that this functionality is not available to categories belonging to mirrored category trees since the products need to be removed from the tree from within the business system where the category data is being managed.

Functionality Affected: Category Trees administration centre interface

Impact: Normal

TOT-3155 - Product Diagnostics Administration Centre interface to display all active contracts that the customer account and product is assigned to

Within the Administration Centre, in the Product Diagnostics interface, we have now made it possible to show the active customer account contracts that is assigned to the given product and customer account when running the diagnostics check.

This can help make it easy for an administrator to understand why a product may still be appearing for a user, even though the product may not be allowed to show based on the inventory role assigned to the user.

From the Administration Centre, under the Inventory menu, in Product Diagnostics interface a new diagnostic check labelled "Customer account contracts:" will now list all active contracts that assigned to the given product and customer account set in the form.

Functionality Affected: Product Diagnostics administration centre interface

Impact: Normal

Bug Fixes

TOT-3154 - Image placeholder in Product Details content managed web page area does not open Image Viewer when a product is chosen from combination drop downs

On a content managed web page containing a Product Details area, if the area contains the $productImage_placeholder$ hook that is used to open up an Image Viewer, and a combination product being displayed in the area does not have any images assigned to it, then when a user chose from the combination drop downs to find a product, the image placeholder would update to display the selected product, but would not allow the user to click on the image to view it in the image viewer.

The Product Details content managed web page area has been modified to allow the $productImage_placeholder$ hook to allow the user to open the Image Viewer when a combination product is displayed in the area. This ensures that the image placeholder is updated with an image from a child product after the user has selected from the combination options, that they have the ability to click on the placeholder to open the Image Viewer.

Functionality Affected: Product Details content managed web page area.

Impact: Normal

TOT-3163 - Orders fail to load within Orders Administration Centre interface when an order's contact field contains double quote characters

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, in the Orders interface, orders failed to load within the order table if an order being displayed in the table contains a double quote character in the contact field of the order.

The Orders interface has been modified to ensure that it can handle when double quote characters are set in an order's contact field, user login ID, or account ID.

Functionality Affected: Order Details content managed web page area

Impact: Normal

TOT-3171 - Unable to update the credit card password setting within Payment Settings Administration Centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, in the Payment settings interface, for the "Credit Card Password" setting, if the administrator user had changed the value of the setting the clicked the Save button, the setting would not be updated with the new value set.

In the Payment settings interface, the settings save process has been modified to ensure that the Credit Card Password setting is saved. Previously the save process would ignore this setting from being updated.

Functionality Affected: Payments administration centre interface

Impact: Normal

TOT-3175 - Guest users able to login to content managed website without providing a login ID or password

If a user exists within a TOTECS project that contains an empty login ID, and password, then on a content managed web page containing a User Login area a guest user would be able to login by submitting the login form without entering either a login ID or password.

The user login process has been modified to now not allow a user to login with an empty login ID or password, even if a user exists in a project that contains such credentials. This applies to user's login in from a content managed web page, and through the Trade interface login.

This issue would most likely occur if a customer account was imported into a project from an external business system that had an account created with out any details set for it. If that occurs now the account will not import through the Customer Accounts Connector data import.

Functionality Affected: User Login process

Impact: Major