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TOTECS Platform Release 11.04

Author moderator
21st June 2017

New Features

TOT-3555 - Master Content Managed Website Design Deployer

Within the Adminisration Centre there is now the ability to deploy new content managed web pages that have been already been implemented with TOTECS own "Master Website Design". This can dramatically speed up deployment of new websites, implementing a secure mobile/respsonsive design featuring many TOTECS features out of the box.
In the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, within the Websites interface, upon clicking on the New Website tree node, a new dialog called "Create New Content Managed Website". Within the dialog it allows you to set the following details of the new website being created:

  • Website Domain: Set the domain of the website
  • Website Root Domain: Set the domain that will be set against the session cookie. It should be set to either match the website domain, or be a root domain.
  • Email Address: Email address that website specific notifications may be sent to, such as enquiry form submissions.
  • Login URL: URL that users will be redirected to once logged into the website.
  • Logout URL: URL that users will be redirected to once logged out of the website.
  • Website Design: The design of the website that will be deployed. If set to Empty Website then no assets such as webpages or libraries will be initially deployed. If set to Master Website Design 1 then webpages an other assets will be initially deployed when the website is first created based on the TOTECS Master Website Design.
If the Website Design setting is set to Master Website Design 1 then the following settings need to be set:
  • Category Tree - Navigation: Set the category tree that will be configured to show and allow users to navigate through from the top navigation bar of the website's pages.
  • Category Tree - Brands: Set the category tree that will be configured to show and allow users to navigate through from the Brands footer section of the website's pages.
  • Product Search Profile - Web Page Headers: Set the product search profile that will be used to search for products from the search box in the top navigation bar on all web pages. Ensure that the search profile has only one text input.
  • Product Flag - Featured - Home Page: Set the product flag that will be used to display all products under the Featured section on the home page.
  • Product Flag - New - Home Page: Set the product flag that will be used to display all products under the New section on the home page.
  • Product Flag - On Special - Home Page: Set the product flag that will be used to display all products under the On Special section on the home page.
After configuring the settings and clicking on the Create button, the new content managed website will be created and the Websites will reload showing the new website. If the Website Design was set to "Website Design 1" then the website will also have set up and implemented web page templates, web pages, libraries, repositories, and other assets.
After a new website is created the TOTECS service team will need to be advised of the website so they can set the required hosting on the TOTECS servers, to allow the platform to accept requests for the website. Additionally TLS security certificate will need to have been purchased and set up for website domain, and its keys passed on to the TOTECS service team as well.
Each time a new content managed website is deployed with the "Master Website Design 1" website design, the deployer will create 4 new news/blog groups, which are required to be able to show news on the deployed home page. These news/blog groups are designed to independent for each content managed website.
Once a new content managed website is deployed with the "Master Website Design 1" website design the deployer will copy of the GIT repository (MWD1) from the master repository that lives on the TOTECS servers. From this point in time the WMD1 repository is forked for the website and will no longer receive any changes directly from the TOTECS MWD1 master repository.

Functionality Affected: Websites Administration Centre interface
Impact: Normal


TOT-3592 - Hook to display Y or N if product can be added to basket from a content managed web area that uses the Product Search Record format

On a content managed website that displays any areas that use the Product Search Record format a new hook has been added to the format called "addProductQuantityAllowed", that displays either Y or N to indicate if the product can be directly added to basket or not.
The hook will return N if a product is a parent combination product or the product is part of a product group.

Functionality Affected: Product Search Results Listing, Category Listing content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal

TOT-3595 - Setting for Related Products Listing content managed web page area to display products as records or in a list

On a content managed webpage containing a Related Products Listing area there is now the option of displaying product records in a HTML list, or as records without any list elements wrapping the records.Within the Administration Centre, in the Websites interface, in the All Areas section of a Web Page, when adding or editing a Related Products Listing Area, a new option has been added called "Display Records As" that allows a user to choose to display product search records in two different ways, as a list or as records.
The setting contains 2 options:

  • List - Each Product Search Record format displayed in the area will be displayed within an unordered list element
  • Records - Each Product Search Record format displayed in the area will not be wrapped around with any HTML elements.
Related Products Listing Areas that already exist will be unaffected, and will continue to display product search records as a list.

Functionality Affected: Related Products Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3602 - Content managed webpage javascript API function to get URL parameters of a Product Search Form area

On a content managed web page, in the javascript API there is now a function that can be called to the URL paramters of a Product Search Form.
These parameters could then be used by 3rd party Javascript to call Product Search Results Listing web page areas to update on the web page and pass the search parameters to the areas, allowing results of a product search to display.
Within the content managed webpage javascript API a new function has been added called: TOTECS.retail.fs.getProductSearchFormAreaSearchParams(webpageAreaID);
The function takes one argument, the ID of the web page area that contains the Product Search Form area. The function will return a string containing the URL parameters that the product search would call to allow Product Search Result Listing areas to perform a product search and display the results.
If the incorrect web page area ID is given then the function will return either false, or otherwise raise a browser alert box advising that the incorrect area was provided.

Functionality Affected: Content managed webpage Javascript API
Impact: Normal

Bug Fixes

TOT-3589 - Incorrect URL set in link immediately after uploading attachment or image file in News/Blogs Admin Centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Marketing menu, within the News/Blogs interface, upon viewing the details of a news/blog item, when uploading a file via the News/Blog item editor and then immediately inserting a link to that file in the body of the news/blog item field, the base href would appear twice in the URL for the file attachment.
Now when uploading an attachment or image file to a content managed website library in the News/Blog Item Editor, the URL is now correctly set if the image or attachment file is immediately inserted into the heading, body, or spare fields of the news/blog item.

Functionality Affected: News/blogs administration centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3593 - Product Stock Quantities data import not updating product stock quantities when obtaining records from Connector version 1.x

Within the Administration Centre, under the Data menu, within the Data Imports interface, if a Product Stock Quantities data import is run and requests data from a Connector running version 1.0 or higher, the data import was not updating product stock quantities.
Now if a Product Stock Quantities data import is run and requests data from a Connector running version 1.0 or higher, the data import now is able to correctly update product stock quantities. The issue was caused by the data import not being able to handle data in from the Connector 1.x in the updated form.

Functionality Affected: Product Stock Quantities connector data import
Impact: Normal

TOT-3598 - Shopping Lists Listing and Shopping List Products content managed web page areas not displaying the Login ID and Email of the user who created a shared shopping list

On a content managed web page containing either a Shopping Lists Listing or Shopping List Products content managed web page areas, if the shopping list displayed in the areas was shared to the user viewing it, the Login ID and and Email hooks in the area's formats incorrectly show the details of the user viewing the shopping list, instead of the user who created the shopping list.
For the Shopping List Products content managed web page area it has now been modified so that the shoppinglist_login_id hook now displays the correct login ID of the user who created the shopping list.

Functionality Affected: Shopping Lists Listing , Shopping List Products content managed web page areas
Impact: Minor

TOT-3605 - Product upper stock limit being ignored in trade interface search results if product stock quantity is over 2,000

Within the trade interface's Product Search page and on content managed webpage areas that use the Product Search Record to display search results, if the project is configured to limit the stock quantities to an upper limit that a user can see, it was possible that users could see a product's actual available stock amount if the amount was over 1000.
The product search feature has been modified to ensure that if a project limits the upper quantity that a user can see, then they cannot see the actual stock quantity when its over 1000.

Functionality Affected: Product searching
Impact: Normal

TOT-3609 - Not Found image not being set for basketProduct_image hook in Basket Products Listing content managed web page area if an image is not assigned to a product

On a content managed webpage containing a Basket Products Listing area, for each product displayed with the Basket Product Record format, in a format's basketProduct_image hook it was being incorrectly set to a empty value instead of a URL that points to the anotfound.png image file when no active image has been assigned to the product. Because of this the user did not see any image displayed, instead of a the placeholder image.
The Basket Products Listing area has been modified so that for each product displayed with the Basket Product Record format, in a format's basketProduct_image hook when no active image has been assigned to the product the placeholder image now displays the correct anotfound.png image.

Functionality Affected: Basket Products Listing content managed web page areas
Impact: Minor

TOT-3615 - Pressing enter key on quantity textbox does not add product to basket within Product Quick Add Form content managed web page area

On a content managed web page area containing a Product Quick Add Form area, after the user had selected a product and entered a quantity into the quantity textbox, if they then had pressed the enter key the product was not being added to basket.
The Product Quick Add Form area has been modified so that the quantity textbox allows users to add a product to basket once it has been set a quantity and the user presses on the enter key.

Functionality Affected: Product Quick Add Form content managed web page area
Impact: Normal