Help Centre Forum


TOTECS Platform Release 12.00

Author moderator
21st September 2017

New Features

TOT-3652 - Assign users to multiple customer accounts within the Search Users Administration Centre interface

For each user in a TOTECS project there is now the ability to assign multiple customer accounts to a user. This can then be used to allow users to switch between accounts within a content managed website (similar to repspace).
Within the Administration Centre, under the Users menu, within the Search Users interface, for each user record displayed in the Users table, in the Manage User column, there is a button labelled "Accounts".
When clicked on this button allows the user to see a dialog labelled "Customer Accounts Assigned To User" that shows a table of customer accounts assigned to users.
Within this dialog an administrator user can add a customer account to a user by typing the account ID of the customer account into the Account Code search box.
To add or remove customer accounts against a user, the administrator user must have the "Modify Users" permission set to allow.

Functionality Affected: User Search administration centre interface, customer account switching process, basket switching process.
Impact: Normal


TOT-2804 - Warning dialog if admin users change deal offer on active deals within Product Deals admin interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Marketing menu, within the Product Deals and Vouchers admin interface, in the Set Deals Detail dialog, if the admin user changes the deal offer when the deal is currently active, and within the start and finish dates, a dialog appears showing a warning that users who have already redeemed the deal based on the previous offer will still have the previous offer applied to their basket.

Functionality Affected: Product Deals and Vouchers admin centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3586 - Product Combination content managed web page area to show child product details with the Product Search Record format when area showing child products as Radio Button List

On a content managed web page containing a Product Combination web page area, when its "Show Combination Options As" setting is set to Radio Button List, for each child product displayed with the Combination Product Option List Record format, the "combination_product_search_record" hook has been added that allows details of the product to display with the selected Product Search Record format.
This allows additional details of the product to be shown, such as volume discount pricing based on the extra data that a Product Search Record format can display.

Functionality Affected: Product Combination content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3636 - Hooks on Product Detail, Basket Product Listing and Product Quick Add Form content managed web page areas to show the location stock availability of product based on assigned location

On a content managed web page containing Product Detail, Basket Product Listing, Category Listing, Product Search Results Listing and Product Quick Add Form content managed web page areas, for each product displayed in these areas hooks have been created to show the location based stock quantity and level based on the primary location assigned the user's customer account.
The following hooks have been added to the Product Detail area format:

  • product_stock_location_quantity
  • product_stock_location_quantity_holder
  • product_stock_location_level
  • product_stock_location_level_holder
The following hooks have been added to the Basket Product Record format within the Basket Products Listing area:
  • product_stock_location_quantity
  • product_stock_location_level
The following hooks have been added to the Product Search Record format within the Product Search Results, Category Listing areas:
  • _P_StockWarehouse
  • _P_StockWarehouseLevel
The following hooks have been added to the Basket Product Quick Add Form format within the Product Quick Add Form area:
  • quick_add_product_stock_location_quantity_div_id
  • quick_add_product_stock_location_quantity_div_class
  • quick_add_product_stock_location_quantity_element_id
  • quick_add_product_stock_location_level_div_id
  • quick_add_product_stock_location_level_div_class
  • quick_add_product_stock_location_level_status_element_id
  • quick_add_product_stock_location_level_status_class

Functionality Affected: Product Detail, Basket Product Listing, Category Listing, Product Search Results Listing and Product Quick Add Form content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal

TOT-3638 - Purchaser managers to be restricted to approve orders when order total is within allowed price range

Within the Administration Centre, under the Users menu, within the Purchaser Manager Approvals interface, after assigning a user to another managing user and clicking on the Conditions button, in the Purchasing Conditions dialog a new section called Manager Conditions has been added.
This section contains the following settings:

  • Can Only Approve Orders Within Order Total Range: If set to yes then the manager user is only allowed to view and approve pending orders that have an order total (inclusive of taxes) with a set date range. If set to no then the managing user can approve any pending orders submitted by the assigned user.
  • Lower Order Total Amount (Inc Tax): Set the lowest order total that the managing user is allowed to approve orders with, if the Can Only Approve Orders Within Order Total Range setting has been set to yes.
  • Upper Order Total Amount (Inc Tax): Set the highest order total that the managing user is allowed to approve orders with, if the Can Only Approve Orders Within Order Total Range setting has been set to yes.
If the "Can Only Approve Orders Within Order Total Range" setting is set to Yes then when the user submits an order the platform will check if any managing users assigned to the them have permission to approve their orders, based on on the order's total being within the managers allowed date range. If the order total isn't within any manager user's allowed order amount then the order will be submitted and not require a managers approval.
It is important to note that if a user submits an order and becomes pending, and the order total range settings for a manager who can approve the order change, then it is possible that no managing user would be able to see or approve the order. When this occurs the order will always remain pending. It is recommended to always set order total amount ranges for manager users to cover all order totals to ensure that at least one manager user can approve a pending order.

Functionality Affected: Purchaser Manager Approvals administration centre interface, order submission process
Impact: Normal

TOT-3642 - Hooks to display a product's height, width, depth dimensions and weight within Basket Product Listing content managed web page area

On a content managed web page displaying a Basket Product Listing content managed web page area for each product displayed in the Basket Product Record format, the format now contains hooks that display the weight, height, width, and depth dimensions for each product's units, as well as hooks to display the overall dimensions based on the quantity of product ordered.
This allows additional product dimension data to be shown for each ordered product in the area.
The following hooks have been added to the Basket Product Record format within the Basket Products Listing area:

  • _B_UnitWeight
  • _B_UnitWidth
  • _B_UnitHeight
  • _B_UnitDepth
  • _B_UnitCubicVolume
  • _B_TotalCubicVolume

Functionality Affected: Basket Product Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3653 - Allow value submitted for Emarketing Sign Up element within Enquiry Form content managed web page area to be shown within submission results and email notification

On a content managed webpage displaying an Enquiry Form area, if an Emarketing Sign Up form element is displayed in the area, when the user submits the form the area will now record if the user had checked the Emarketing Sign Up form element or not. If checked the value of "yes" will show and display in both the Email notification, as well as within the Website Enquiry Submission admin centre interface. If not checked then the value of no will display.
Note that this change will only apply to new enquiry form submissions from the date that this improvement has been released.

Functionality Affected: Enquiry Form content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3662 - Category connector data import to support importing categories when keyCategoryID field is up to 255 characters in length

For each category stored against a TOTECS project the KeyCategoryID column now has been increased to support storing text up to 255 characters in length. This will allow categories with long unique identifiers to be imported into the platform as well as being assigned to parent categories.

Functionality Affected: Categories, Categories Connector data imports
Impact: Minor

TOT-3666 - Sales Rep Customer Account Selection content managed web page area renamed to Customer Account Selection and allow users to select from assigned accounts

On a content managed web page containing a Customer Account Selection area, the area can list customer accounts that have been explicitly assigned to the user, as well as accounts available to them if they were a sales rep.
The area has been renamed from "Sales Rep Customer Account Selection" to "Customer Account Selection" as it can be used for both salesrep and non-sales rep users.
A new Facility Role permission has been created called "View Customer Accounts" under the label "Briefcase My Details Permissions".
If this permission is set to allow, a non-sales rep user is allowed to switch between accounts assigned to them, if the permission is set to deny the area will not display unless they have sales rep permissions to allow them to see it.

Functionality Affected: Customer Account Selection content managed webpage area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3668 - Product flag placeholder hooks to show flags assigned to child combination products within Product Detail content managed web page areas

On a content managed webpage displaying a Product Detail area, if the area is displaying a parent combination product and the user selects a child product using the product combination options, the flags displayed for the product can now change based on the flags assigned to the child product.
The following hook has been added to the Product Detail format:

  • _P_ProductFlag_holder_ID
The hook contains the ID of the element that specifies where the flags css class hook, product_flag_class_names, has been set. When the user selects a child product the css class will change based on the element that contains the element ID hook.

Functionality Affected: Product Detail content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3672 - Sales Rep Basket Selection content managed web page area renamed to Customer Account Selection and allow users to select baskets from assigned accounts

On a content managed web page containing a Basket Selection area, the area can list baskets created by the user which are associated to customer accounts that have been explicitly assigned to the user, based on if the user has the Facility Role permission "View Customer Accounts" set to allow, or are a sales rep user with access to all accounts or accounts assigned to their sales rep ID.
The area has been renamed from "Sales Rep Basket Selection" to "Basket Selection" as it can be used for both salesrep and non-sales rep users.

Functionality Affected: Basket Selection content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3673 - Add to cart notification showing when no quantity set and product added to cart

Within the trade interface, when adding a product via the Add Item dialog, if the quantity text field was blank and a user clicked the add button, a notification appears which read "Product Successfully Added" despite no product actually being added to the basket.
Now within the trade interface, when adding a product via the Add Item dialog, if no existing quantity is found the quantity field is set to 1, preventing a false "Product Successfully Added" notification.

Functionality Affected: Add Item Trade interface dialog
Impact: Normal

TOT-3681 - Update payment method within the Order Checkout/Submission area when switching accounts in a content managed website

On a content managed web page containing a Customer Account Selection area or a Sales Rep Basket Selection area, when a user switches accounts the payment method within the Order Checkout/Submission area is now updated to the payment method assigned to the account the user is switching to.
This ensures that when the user proceeds through the order checkout process, in the order details form area they will only be able to choose from payment types that are enabled for the customer account that they are currently using.

Functionality Affected: Customer Account Selection, Basket Selection content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal

Bug Fixes

TOT-3436 - Uploaded Webpage Template stays in file form element when editing a different template within the Websites Admin Centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, within the Websites interface, when an admin user uploaded a HTML file for a web page template within the Webpage Template Properties dialog, if the dialog was re-opened to modify a different web page template.
The upload form element now is cleared ensuring that the user does not accidentally upload the incorrect web page file.

Functionality Affected: Websites admin centre interface
Impact: Minor

TOT-3590 - Deleting a parent web page in the Websites Admin Centre interface causes child webpages to no longer be found

Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, within the Websites interface, if a content managed webpage was removed from the websites tree and it had child web pages assigned to it, the child web pages became inaccessible and could not be found any more.
Now if a content managed webpage is removed from the websites tree and it had child web pages assigned to it, the child web pages now get reassigned to the parent web page of the web page being removed. This ensures that these child web pages are still can be found by administrator users.

Functionality Affected: Websites admin centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3612 - On the trade Interface Product search button is not visible

On the Trade interface the product search input field in the left hand navigation overflowed the sidebar menu causing the search button to be hidden.
The left hand navigation section has been fixed to correctly fit the available space. The Search for product button is now visible.

Functionality Affected: Trade interface left hand navigation
Impact: Minor

TOT-3647 - PrettyPhoto not displaying images after selecting combination product.

Within a content managed web page containing a Product Detail area, if the area was showing a parent combination product then after selecting a combination product from the combination field drop downs, the image viewer for the product would not update to show images for the selected child combination product.
The Product Detail content managed web page area has been modified so that its image viewer correctly shows the product images of the selected child combination product again.

Functionality Affected: Product Detail content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3649 - addProductQuantityField hook in a Product Detail content managed web page area format incorrectly outputting span tags within javascript function

On a content managed web page displaying a Product Detail area in the product details format when a rep user viewed a combination product in the web page area that has no pricing set the addProductQuantityField hook outputted span tags within the add qty onclick which caused the page layout to break.
When a rep user views a combination product in the web page area and neither the parent combination product or default child product have no pricing set the addProductQuantityField hook gets correctly set to have a $0 value in the hook's javascript function, instead of incorrectly displaying span tags.

Functionality Affected: Product Detail content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3658 - Sales rep adding product to basket with unit price discount incorrectly rounds discount price to 2 decimal places

Within the Trade or a content managed website, when a user logged in as a salesrep user and had permission to discount a product's unit price when adding a product to basket, if the user had set price discount with up to 4 decimal places, the unit price was being rounded to 2 decimal places.
Now if the user had set price discount with up to 4 decimal places, the unit discount price now is no longer rounded to 2 decimal places, and is now rounded to 4 decimal places.
Note that if the "Quantity Decimal Places" setting for a TOTECS project is set to less than 4 decimal places then the discount prices displayed in both the Trade interface and content managed websites may be displayed as a rounded price even though the price stored against the product in the basket will still be in more decimals.
It is for this reason that it is recommended that the "Quantity Decimal Places" setting should be set to 3 or 4 decimal places so that users can see the more accurate pricing.

Functionality Affected: Basket Products Listing content managed web page area, Basket Products Trade interface page
Impact: Normal

TOT-3659 - Git repositories deployed with Master Website Design content managed websites cannot have file changes pushed up due to a permission issue

After deploying a new MWD websites, administrator users could not successfully push changes to the TOTECS Git Repo. Even though the Git Push reports success, the actual files on the TOTECS web server were not added or modified.
Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, within the Websites interface, after clicking on the Create Website tree node and filling out the details of a new website. When the new website is created the files and folders created for that website's GIT repositories, they are now allowed to be modified when pushing up files changes to the GIT repository.

Functionality Affected: Websites adminsitration centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3665 - Flags Connector data import failing to assign flags to products when a flag's KeyFlagID field contains lowercase characters

When a Flags Connector data import in run, if a flag record is being imported contains a lowercase character then the data import is unable to assign the flag to any products being imported.
The Flags Connector data import has been modified to correctly handle when a flag contains a lower case character within its keyFlagID field, and correctly match a flag being imported into the platform, allowing products to be assigned to flags.

Functionality Affected: Flags connector data import
Impact: Normal

TOT-3679 - Customer Account Transaction Listing content managed web page area incorrectly showing [INVALID FORM VAR] for date hook in Customer Account Transaction Record format

On a content managed web page displaying a Customer Account Transaction Listing area, the area was incorrectly showing '[INVALID FORM VAR]' text within the transaction_date hook displayed with the "Customer Account Transaction Record" format for the first 2 transaction records displayed.
The area now no longer shows '[INVALID FORM VAR]' text within the transaction_date hook displayed within the "Customer Account Transaction Record" format if the transaction_date data does not exist for a record.

Functionality Affected: Customer Account Transaction Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Normal