Help Centre Forum


TOTECS Platform Release 13.00

Author moderator
3rd October 2018

New Features

TOT-3750 - Zippay payment method

Users now have the ability to pay for orders using the Zip Pay payment service.
If a users account includes the payment type "ZP", when a user assigned to that account goes to checkout an order from a Order Checkout/Submission web page area on a content managed website, they will have the ability to select ZipPay as a payment method.
This will redirect the user to the ZipPay website where they can login and confirm payment for the order.
The user will then be redirected back to the content managed website, where they can review the order, and upon submitting the order the ZipPay payment will be confirmed and money transferred from Zip Pay to the business's bank account.
The user then will then need to pay back ZipPay based on the agreed payment terms with Zip Pay.
New settings have been added to the Administration Centre, Stores, Payment Settings interface, which allow admin users to set the ZipPay API key, environment mode (sandbox/live) and locale/currency codes.

Functionality Affected: Store Settings Administration Centre interface, Order submission process, Order Checkout/Submission content managed web page area
Impact: Major


TOT-2534 - Add date filtering to the User, Product and Category Performance statistics within the Admin Centre

Within the Administration Centre, under the Statistics menu, within the User Performance, Product Performance and Category Performance interfaces there is now a drop down that allows statistics to be filtered based on a selected number of months. By default this value it set at 1 year.

Functionality Affected:  User Performance, Product Performance and Category Performance admin centre interfaces
Impact: Normal

TOT-2908 - Apply credit card transaction fee when users pay for invoices using Account Enquiry

Within the Trade interface's account enquiry page, or on a content managed web page that contains an account enquiry invoice payment form area, when the user is making a credit card payment for outstanding invoices, there is now the ability to set a surcharge amount or percentage on top of the invoice totals.
This allows customers to factor in the cost of the credit card payment transactions.
Within the Administration Centre, within the Stores menu, within the Accounting Settings interface, there is 4 new settings for configuring credit card surcharges.

  • Credit Card Payments Surcharge
    Adjust this setting to either turn surcharges ON or OFF for credit card payments.
  • Credit Card Payments Surcharge Type
    Adjust this setting to set a fixed amount or percentage based surcharge.
  • Credit Card Payments Surcharge Amount/Rate
    If using fixed amount, enter a dollar value in this field.
    If using a percentage rate, enter a percentage value in this field.
  • Credit Card Payments Surcharge Type
    Select the surcharge type to be used. This can either be the default WEB_CC_SURCHARGE or a surcharge imported from an accounting system.
To configure the tax assigned against the default surcharge type, navigate to the Stores menu, then to the Order Surcharges interface. Here the tax can be selected from the Taxcode dropdown.

Functionality Affected: Stores Settings admin centre interface, customer account payment process
Impact: Normal

TOT-3151 - Flags Connector data import to re-assign contract flags to products after data is imported

Within the Administration Center, in the Data menu, within the Data Imports interface, under the Connector Imports tab, when a Product Flags data import is run from within the interface or from the Connector software, after the flag records have updated the the data import will call for all flags assigned to active contracts that have not expired to be re-assigned to active products.This allows flags to be assigned to products again using flags assigned to imported contracts.
Previously the Flags data import would remove all contract based flags from products that are not local products.

Functionality Affected: Product Flags connector data import
Impact: Normal

TOT-3574 - Create a hook to allow managers to approve or deny orders in pending order detail review format

Within a Pending Order Detail content managed webpage area, improvements have been made to allow users to approve/decline pending orders.
Two new hooks have been added to the Pending Order Detail format:

  • order_approve_onclick (Javascript function that allows a pending order to be approved.)
  • order_decline_onclick (Javascript function that allows a pending order to be declined.)
A new setting within the area options has been added:
Pending Orders Listing Web Page (Determines page to redirect user to once pending order has been approved/declined)

Functionality Affected: ending Order Detail content managed webpage area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3717 - Display Basket Product Field records within Pending Order Review, Basket Products Listing, User Details/Favourites/Orders, Order Print Form, Order Checkout/Submission and Guest Order Checkout/Submission content managed web page areas

On a content managed web page containing either a Pending Order Review, User Details/Favourites/Orders, Order Checkout/Submission, Order Print Form or Basket Products Listing content managed web page area, there is now the ability to display the values of product info fields that a user has set for each product within the order.
A new format has been added to each of these areas, the Basket Product Field Record format. This format contains two hooks:

  • basket_product_field_label (prints the label of the product info field)
  • basket_product_field_value (prints the value set for the product info field)
The Basket Products Listing area uses two new hooks:
  • basket_product_fields (prints the Basket Product Field Record formats)
  • has_basket_product_fields (prints Y if there are Basket Product Field records, or N if there are not)
The Pending Order Review, User Details/Favourites/Orders, Order Checkout/Submission and Order Print Form content managed web page areas automatically print the Product Fields if:
  • the setting is turned on (Admin Centre > Stores > Order Settings > Basket Product Fields)
  • a Basket Product Field Record format has been selected
  • data exists
To get the correct styling for listings that use table layouts (Pending Order Review, Order Print Form, User Details/Favourites/Orders), where every second table row has a different background colour, the following CSS selector can be used to ignore the Basket Product Field rows (rows that have the class .basket_product_field)

Functionality Affected: Pending Order Review, User Details/Favourites/Orders, Order Checkout/Submission, Order Print Form or Basket Products Listing content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal

TOT-3838 - Setting to set a tax free taxcode to lines in sales orders being delivered internationally

For orders being shipped internationally there is now a setting that controls the tax free taxcode assigned to these order lines.
Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, within the Order Settings interface, a new setting has been added labelled "Tax Free Taxcode On International Orders".
This setting allows admin users to set the tax code that will be assigned to order lines when the order is sent to the Connector software, and the order's delivery country does not match the TOTECS project's country (hence the order is being shipped internationally).
If this setting is not set then the original taxcode assigned to the order line's product will still remain assigned.

Functionality Affected: Store Settings admin centre interface, Connector Order Submission process
Impact: Normal

TOT-3843 - Project Traffic Statistics Administration Centre interface to show statistics created by the Connector and Domain Crawler

For any project server requests made by the Connector and Domain Crawler, these requests are now logged and reported within the Administration Centre, under the Stastistics menu, within the Project Traffic Statistics interface, under the Requests By Search Engines, Crawlers and Software section.

Functionality Affected: Project Traffic Statistics admin centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3846 - REST API endpoint to export product customer account pricing

The Data API in the platform has now been modified to allow administrator users to export product customer account pricing data programmatically from a project hosted on the TOTECS platform.
This can allow 3rd party customer systems to obtain all custoemr account product pricing data in their own website, squizz, or business systems by using the data API to export the data.
Within Administration Centre interface under the Data menu, in Data API it will now display logs of requests that are made to the API to obtain product customer account pricing data. This allows administrators to see which users are exporting pricing data.
When the admin user exports product customer account pricing data from the API, the pricing that is returned from the API endpoint will be limited to the products that are active against customer accounts that are active.
Limits have been put in place to ensure that the API in not abused by users, or outside intruders. A maximum of 15 login requests can occur in a 20 minute window create sessions for the API.
When exporting product pricing data its API endpoint can only be called 5 times within a 30 minute window.

Functionality Affected: Data API
Impact: Normal

TOT-3847 - Location finder requires web area format for controlling the map marker details

Within the Location Finder content managed web page area, when a user clicks a marker on the map, a window will be displayed showing details of the location.
The information within this window can now be controlled by a format within the web area formats library. This format can be found under Location / Location Finder / Location Marker Detail.
This format contains the same hooks as the existing Location Search Record format, except for post search data (distance from user) and onClick functions.
Additionally a new hook has been added, reset_map_onclick. This hook is to be set within the onClick attribute of a HTML element within the format.
When the element is clicked, a javascript function will be called which will clear the search input, search results and reset the map to the initial state.

Functionality Affected: Location Finder content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

Bug Fixes

TOT-3594 - Unable to update content managed website details when its domain changes within the Website Details admin centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, within the Websites interface, upon clicking on the website domain, in the Website Details interface when updating the website details, an error message could be displayed and the website's domain fail to update in web page areas.
Now upon modifying the website domain and clicking on the Update Site button, the website's domain will be correctly updated within free draw web page areas, news/blog items and formats that are linked to the website.
The bug was caused by mishandling of data on the server side.

Functionality Affected: Website domain update process
Impact: Normal

TOT-3798 - Users created in Customer Accounts Connector data import not being assigned to default permission roles

When a Customer Accounts Connector data import was run from the connector or the Administration Centre's Data Imports interface, the user that was created for a freshly import customer account wasn't assigned to the default facility and inventory user permission roles set for the project.
Now when a Customer Account data export is run, if a new user is created for an account, then at the time the password is being set for the new users they will also be assigned to the default facility and inventory permission roles, based on the default roles configured within the User Permisions admin centre interface.

Functionality Affected: Customer Accounts connector data import
Impact: Normal

TOT-3809 - _P_PriceEx_rrp_titled hook outputting unnecessary nbsp characters

On a content managed web page displaying a Product Detail area, within the area's Product Detail format the hook _P_PriceEx_rrp_titled was outputting unnecessary nbsp characters, causing conflicts when the CSS property text-decoration is set to line-through.
Within a Product Detail content managed web page area, the hook _P_Price_Ex_rrp_titled now no longer outputs unnecessary nbsp characters.

Functionality Affected: Product Detail content managed web page area
Impact: Minor

TOT-3832 - Related Products Export incorrectly limiting to only export 1000 rows of data from the Related Products Report admin centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, from the Inventory menu, within the Related Product Report interface, when exporting a .CSV file, the .csv file that was exported was being limited to 1000 related product mappings.
Now if the Export Report button is clicked on, then upon clicking on the Download Export Data button, the CSV spreadsheet file downloaded will allow up to 10000 records to display within it.

Functionality Affected: Related Product Report admin centre interface
Impact: Minor

TOT-3835 - Unable to remove User from the Search Users Admin Centre interface when they have related users assigned to them

Within the Adminsitration Centre, under the Users menu, within the Search Users interface, once a user has been found and is selected to be removed, the user could not be removed the user if they had one or more related users assigned to them.
Now the Remove Users functionality has been modified to remove all related users from a user before removing the user themselves. This then allows a user to be correctly removed.

Functionality Affected: Search Users admin centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3842 - Location finder exceeds distance calculation limit, formats being output in incorrect order

On a content managed web page that has a Location Finder area, if there are more than 25 searchable locations within a project, the Google API would return an error when trying to calculate driving distances as there is a limit of 25 calculations per request. The order of locations listed in the search results also occasionally appeared in the incorrect order.
Within a Location Finder content managed webpage area, a new hook "search_distance_limit" has been added, which provides a select dropdown containing distances that a user can limit the search by.
The amount of locations that appear in the search results has been limited to 25, to prevent exceeding the driving distance calculation limit. The search results ordering has been modified to ensure results will always appear ordered by driving distance ascending.

Functionality Affected: Location Finder content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3845 - Location finder fails to parse JSON after multiple location searches

Within a Location Finder content managed webpage area, the area was failing to show search results if one of the locations could not have driving distance calculated.
The area will no longer fail to show search results if one of the locations could not have driving distance calculated.

Functionality Affected: Location Finder content managed web page area
Impact: Normal