Help Centre Forum


Connector 1.20.3 Beta Released

Author moderator
7th December 2018

Date: 22/12/2018
Time Released: 5:00pm ADST

New Features

  • RAND JSON/XML/CSV field function - Generates a random number, within a specified range, rounded to a specified number of decimals.
  • LENGTH JSON/XML/CSV field function - returns the number of characters in text given to it.
  • CONTROL_CHAR JSON/XML/CSV field function - places tabs, new line, and carriage return characters into text where \t \r or \n text appears within literal text or text queried from JSON/XML/CSV data.


  • ENCODE JSON/XML/CSV field function now supports "hashing" text using the SHA1 and SHA256 cryptography algorithms.
  • Product Sell Units Generic adaptor data export contains 2 fields for setting the sell unit label and parent sell unit that a product is assigned to..

Bug Fixes

  • 2 bug fixes