Help Centre Forum


How to update search engine sitemaps.xml files for a content managed website?

Author Rowan Drew
18th August 2023
A question was asked how can the sitemaps.xml files be updated for a content managed website hosted on the TOTECS Ecommerce platform?

TOTECS Software Development Manager

Author Rowan Drew

TOTECS Software Development Manager
A new sitemap.xml file can be generated/regenerated for a content managed website hosted on the TOTECS Ecommerce platform, by performing these steps:
1. Log into the Administration Centre of the project that contains the website
2. Click on Websites menu button, then Websites menu item
3. In the Websites interface, for a content managed website find a webpage that contains a sitemap area, right click on the web page and choose View All Areas
4. Within the Webpage Editor click on an Alphabetical Sitemap or Tier Sitemap area to open its settings
5. Click on the Generate XML button
6. Within the XML Sitemap Generator dialog, in the each of the drop downs choose Website Default to control the web pages that host the different types of records. Else choose a specific page that a product or category's detail may display on
7. Click on Create XML Sitemap files.

The Siteamap XML files will then be created or updated, containing links across all the website's pages, including dynamic links generated for all active products, catagories, makes, models, and news/blog items. These files then allow search engine crawlers to find and crawl through each of the web pages linked in the sitemaps file. The may help search engine crawlers find web pages that otherwise are not linked from other webpages in the website.

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