Help Centre Forum


New Feature - Ebay Integration

Author Rowan Drew
20th April 2015
This feature looks to allow a TOTECS project to generate a list of products that can be listed on Ebay, then to automatically send the products to be listed. Additionally a template will be configured to set the description and styling that appears with each product, which allows links and additional information to be listed on Ebay, which can promote traffic back to your website.
Routines will also be developed within TOTECS so that the listed products in Ebay can be monitored. Additionally products can be delisted from within the Administration Centre.

The clear intention of this feature is to be able to push large amounts of products into ebay from a customer's online inventory, reducing time that businesses would use to manually create ebay listings. The business would still need to monitor and communicate with Ebay buyers through Ebay, as well as pay Ebay for listing items and the percentage fee when a product sold.

If you are interested please comment below. Before we develop this feature we would need sufficient demand and we would look to spread the development costs due to the highly complex nature of this integration.

TOTECS Software Development Manager