Help Centre Forum


TOTECS Platform Release 10.04

Author moderator
27th May 2016

New Features

TOT-3265 - Customer Account Contract Listing content managed web page area
A new content managed web page area called "Customer Account Contract Listing" has been added that can display a list of active contracts accessible to the user based on their assigned customer account. This allows users to get access to contract information without having to login to the Trade interface.
The area can be added to a content managed web page through the Administration Centre's Web Page Editor, from under the User/Account Management area type.
The area contains the following formats:

  • Customer Account Contract Listing Header: Displays above the customer account contact records
  • Customer Account Contract Listing Footer: Displays below the customer account contact records
  • Customer Account Contract Listing Record: Displays details of a customer account contact detail record

The area contains the following settings:

  • Contract Detail Webpage: Sets the web page that the contract record links to be able to view the details of the contract.
  • Contract Records Per Page: Sets the amount of contract records that display in the area when the webpage is initially loaded.

Functionality Affected: Customer Account Contract Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Normal


TOT-3338 - Related Products Connector Data Import

A new connector data import has been added to import related product mappings from external accounting/ERP/business systems using the Connector. This can make it easier to manage and synchronise the mappings between products.
From within the Administration Centre, under the Data menu, in the Data Imports interface, from the Connector Imports tab a new data import labelled Related Products displays that allows an administrator user to request related product data from the project's configured Connector.
Conversely the related product data can also be scheduled and pushed from the Connector on a regular basis.
In order to use this data import Connector version 1.x must be installed and in use.

Functionality Affected: Related Products data import
Impact: Normal

TOT-3339 - Product Groups Connector Data Import

A new connector data import has been added to import product groups from external accounting/ERP/business systems using the Connector. This can make it easier to manage and synchronise product groups and the products assigned to groups.
From within the Administration Centre, under the Data menu, in the Data Imports interface, from the Connector Imports tab a new data import labelled Product Groups displays that allows an administrator user to request product group data from the project's configured Connector version 1 or higher. The import will create, update, or inactivate product groups, as well as assign products to groups or remove products from groups that were previously imported.
Conversely the product group data can also be scheduled and pushed from the Connector on a regular basis.
In order to use this data import Connector version 1.x must be installed and in use.

Functionality Affected: Product Groups data import
Impact: Normal

TOT-3340 - Sell Units Connector Data Import

A new connector data import has been added to import sell units from external accounting/ERP/business systems using the Connector.
This data will be used in future to give users options on which unit a product can be bought in, such as buying products in single units, packs, containers, or any other determined sell unit.

Functionality Affected: Sell Units data import
Impact: Normal

TOT-3341 - Surcharges Connector Data Import

A new connector data import has been added to import surcharges from external accounting/ERP/business systems using the Connector.
This data allows 3rd party systems to recognise when their surcharges have been used in orders, and how to handle or report on the surcharges when order data is imported back into their system.
Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores interface, in the Order Surcharges interface, these imported surcharges can now be assigned to each one of the surcharges that the TOTECS platform supports.

Functionality Affected: Surcharges connector data import, Order Surcharges administration centre interface.
Impact: Normal

TOT-3342 - Payment Types Connector Data Import

A new connector data import has been added to import payment types from external accounting/ERP/business systems using the Connector.
This data will be used in the future to control the different payment types that are available to users when they create an order, as well as allow 3rd party systems to recognise and handle different payment types when importing sales orders.

Functionality Affected: Payment Types connector data import
Impact: Normal

TOT-3347 - Logging of project traffic statistics and administration centre interface
The TOTECS platform is now logging each and every server request made to a project. This means traffic generated by users, search engines and 3rd party software will now be recorded and made available for analysis from within the Administration Centre.
This data will allow organisations to more effectively manage and control how their websites are being used, and see a greater correlation between traffic generated versus sales earned.
The Home page of the administration centre will now show the overall traffic statistics, and a separate interface has been added that shows a break down of the traffic, based on total requests, content managed website requests, and requests made by search engines and website crawling software.
This traffic statistic data can be found from under the Statistics menu, in the Project Traffic Statistics interface. In the future this interface will show more fine grained statistical data as the data begins to build up.

Functionality Affected: Project server requests core functionality.
Impact: Major

TOT-3348 - Customer Account Contract Detail content managed web page area

A new content managed web page area called "Customer Account Contract Detail" has been created that can display details of a given active contract that is assigned to the user's customer account, as well as the products assigned to the contract. This allows users to get access to contract information and add products to basket from a contract without having to login to the Trade interface.
The area can be added to a content managed web page through the Administration Centre's Web Page Editor, from under the User/Account Management area type.
The area contains the following formats:

  • Customer Account Contract Detail: Displays details of a customer account contact detail record
  • Product Search Record: Displays the details of each product listed in the area

The area contains the following settings:

  • Product Detail Webpage: Sets the web page that the product record links to be able to view the details of the product.
  • Products Per Page: Sets the amount of product records that display in the area when the webpage is initially loaded.

Functionality Affected: Customer Account Contract Detail content managed web page area
Impact: Normal



TOT-3311 - Hooks to allow users to control the sorting and results per page of results in Product Search Results and Category Listing listing content managed web page areas

On a comtent managed web page containing Category Listing and Product Search Results Listing areas we have now added the ability to embed drop downs into the areas to allow users to control the sorting, direction, and number of product records that display.
The following hooks have been added to the header and footer formats of the areas:

  • Category Listing Header and Category Listing Footer formats: 
    • category_products_sort_drop_down: Drop down element that allows the user to sort product records on a selected field.
    • category_products_sort_direction_drop_down: Drop down element that allows the user to control the direction of products being sorted.
    • category_product_per_page_drop_down: Drop down element that allows the user to choose how many products and categories together display per page.
  • Product Search Header and Product Search Listing Footer formats: 
    • product_records_sort_drop_down: Drop down element that allows the user to sort product records on a selected field.
    • product_records_sort_direction_drop_down: Drop down element that allows the user to control the direction of products being sorted.
    • product_records_per_page_drop_down: Drop down element that allows the user to choose how many products displays per page.

Functionality Affected: Category Listing and Product Search Results Listing content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal


TOT-3326 - User Detail content managed web page area to show details of the customer account in use by a sales rep

On a content managed web page that displays the User Detail area, if a sales rep user is viewing the area and has the "Switching user accounts" facility role premission set to allow, then area can now show the customer account currently in use by the sales rep user, instead of the default customer account assigned to them.

Functionality Affected: User Detail content managed web page area
Impact: Minor

TOT-3335 - Load ReCaptcha version 2 in Enquiry Form and Guest Order Checkout/Submission content managed web page areas

On content managed webpages that display the reCAPTCHA form element within the Enquiry Form or Guest Order Checkout/Submission areas, version 2 of the reCAPTCHA form will now load and be validated against.
Version 2 of the reCAPTCHA form element makes it quicker and easier for users to identify themselves as humans when filling out a form without need to decipher the warped text displayed on the web page anymore.
Additionally within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, in the Websites Settings interface 2 new settings have been added and labelled as "reCAPTCHA theme" and "reCAPTCHA size".
These settings control the styling of the reCAPTCHA form element.
The "reCAPTCHA public key" and "reCAPTCHA private key" settings have been relabelled to "reCAPTCHA site key" and "reCAPTCHA secret key" to match Google's labeling of these keys.

Functionality Affected: Enquiry Form and Guest Order Checkout/Submission content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal

TOT-3345 - Administration Centre Home page displaying user requests statistics and last logged in users

Within the Administration Centre the Home page a number of changes have occurred to now be able to show statistics on the amount of traffic hitting a project as well as improved styling of the interface.
The following changes have been added:

  • Added ability to show total server requests in the sales orders graph
  • Added ability to show numbers that cover: 
    • Sales Order Total for the month
    • Average Monthly Sales Order Total for the financial year
    • Ratio of server requests per dollar earned over the financial year
    • Number of users who have logged in today
  • Show a table containing the last unique users who have logged in

The traffic statistics displayed in the graph will update daily, as opposed to in real time. This ensures that the home page can load the collated traffic data quickly, since there may be millions of traffic records to process and could take a long time to process otherwise.

Functionality Affected: Home Administration Centre interface
Impact: Normal


TOT-3349 - Display average cost price in Product Information Trade Interface dialog

Within the Trade interface we have now added the ability to show the average cost price of a product to sales representative users from with the Product Information dialog.
Show the average cost price can help salesreps to work out how much discounting they can do on a product, which may be useful when trying to make more sales for a customer.
Within the Administration Centre, under the Users menu, in the User Permissions interface, upon editing a Facility Permission Role, a new permission has been added labelled "View product average cost pricing".
If this permission is allowed for the facility role assigned to a user who is marked as a sales rep user, then within the trade interface, in the Product Information dialog the average cost price of a product will now display under the Product Pricing section.

Functionality Affected: Product Information trade interface dialog
Impact: Minor

TOT-3351 - Settings to control the number of pages that display in page list on Category Listing and Product Search Results Listing content managed webpage areas

On a content managed web pages displaying Category Listing or Product Search Results Listing areas there is now settings to control how many pages are listed in the paginators that allow users to navigate through the displayed records. This allows for more consistent and controlled webpage layouts.
Within the Administration Centre, within the Websites menu, after clicking on the Websites link and then clicking on a web page, in the web page editor upon modifying either a Category Listing area, or a Product Search Results Listing area, in the area editors for both areas a new setting has been added labelled "Number of pages in page list" which controls the number of pages that will be listed in the area which allows users to paginate through the records displayed.

Functionality Affected:  Category Listing and Product Search Results Listing content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal

TOT-3354 - List of global web page area format hooks within the Websites Administration Centre interface

When editing content managed web page area formats from within the Websites administration centre we have now added the ability to see and embed data hooks that can be used in any format. These are called global hooks.
Within the Administration Centre, from the Websites menu, in the Websites interface, when modifying a webpage area in the Edit Webpage Area Format dialog tabs have been added that now show both hooks that are available to the format, as well a tab that displays a list of global hooks that can be embedded into any format.It is specifically advisable to use global hooks to embed currency symbols into formats instead of hardcoding a dollar symbol, since the platform supports users changing the currency that they are assigned to.

Functionality Affected: Websites administration centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3355 - Context menu item to open All Areas webpage editor from the Websites administration centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, in the Websites interface we have made it easier for administrator users to get access the All Areas web page interface, via the use of a context menu that appears when a web page is right clicked on.
In the Websites interface when an administrator user right clicks on an existing web page, in the context menu an item now displays labelled "View All Areas".
When the context menu option is clicked on it opens a new browser window and displays the All Areas page in the web page editor.

Functionality Affected: Websites administration centre interface
Impact: Minor

TOT-3356 - Send organisation notifications to when a new user completes the registration process

After a user has successfully registered we have now made it possible to send a notification to to notify people within an organisation of the new user.
Within the Administration Centre, under the Data menu, in the Settings interface, a setting labelled "Send User Registration Notifications To" has been added.
When this setting is set to Yes will allow the user registration process to send a notification to after a user has successfully completed the registration process in a User Registration content managed web page area.
The squizz notification will be sent to the organisation that has been configured in the Squizz settings, and will appear in under the organisation notifications category for the users who are assigned to received notifications for the category.

Functionality Affected: User Registration content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-2658 - Paginators in Category Listing and Product Search Results Listing areas to reload the content managed webpage

On content managed web pages that display Category Listing and Product Search Results Listing areas, the paginator anchor tags that can be embedded in the areas now set the URL of the page to allow search engines to follow the links in the paginators.
This will allow search engines like Google to crawl each and every page that contains categories and products in the Category Listing areas. The same will also occur on Product Search Results Listing areas that are used to display category products, or for a simple product searches such as flagged product.
This will also allow search engines to find more links between pages allowing for better ranked websites.

Functionality Affected: Category Listing and Product Search Results Listing content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal

TOT-3267 - Hooks in Product Details and Product Search Results Listing content managed web page areas to control elements for adding and removing products to favourites

On a comtent managed web page containing areas the use either the Product Details or Product Search Record formats there is now the ability to more easily configure and style the Add to Favourites, and Remove from Favourites buttons. These changes also change work with with combination products that dynamically update the displayed product in the area.
In the formats the following hooks have been added:

  • favourites_product_remove_onclick: Javascript function that removes the product from the favourites list of the user. If the product is a combination then it removes the default child comobination product, if one is displayed in the area.
  • favourites_product_add_onclick: Javascript function that adds the product to the favourites list of the user. If the product is a combination then it adds the default child comobination product, if one is displayed in the area.
  • favourites_product_is_added: Outputs either Y or N to denote if the product is already in the favourites list of the user. If the product is a combination then it is indicative the default child comobination product
  • favourites_product_wrapper_element_id: Text to be placed into the ID attribute of an element that wraps around an Add To Favourites and Remove From Favourites button. The class of this element will change when the user adds or removes the product for their favourites
  • favourites_product_class: Styling class that denotes if the product is a favourite of the user. If the product is a combination then it is indicative the default child comobination product, if one is displayed in the area.
  • Using these hooks allows an add-to-favourites and remove-from-favourites button to hide or show depending on if the product is user's favourites or not. To do so you would typically set up the code of HTML structure with the hooks.

Functionality Affected: Product Detail, Product Search Results Listing, Category Listing content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal


Bug Fixes

TOT-3323 - Categories Connector data import failing to complete import categories when web category trees exist

Within the Administration Centre, under the Data menu, in the Data Imports interface, under the Connector Imports tab, after selecting the Categories import to run and pressing on the Start Imports button. The category import failed to complete and returned the error message "Data Import aborted with error: null".
The categories Connector data import was modified to ensure that it correctly imports category data when category was being imported to version 1 of the Connector.

Functionality Affected: Categories Connector Data Import
Impact: Normal

TOT-3324 - Shopping List Products Import Form not displaying on content managed webpage

On a content managed web page containing a Shopping List Products Upload Form area, the area was not displaying even if the user was assigned to a Facility Permission Role with the View My Shopping List permission set to Allow.
This bug was introduced into the 10.03 release after code cleanup and optimisation was performed on all User/Account Management content managed web page areas. The area was modified to ensure that it displays correctly.

Functionality Affected: Shopping List Products Upload Form content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3343 - Unable to import order from the Order Details trade interface page into

From within the Trade interface, from the Order Detail page if a user tried to import the sales order to, when the user was redirected to the website a blank page appeared instead of the purchase order import page.
The order details page within the Trade interface has been updated to be able to call the correct URL to allow an order to be imported into squizz. Additionally the order data posted to squizz has been modified to support the ESD standards version 1.1.
This issue was introduced when the platform was updated to use the newer standards.

Functionality Affected: Trade interface order details page
Impact: Minor