Help Centre Forum


TOTECS Platform Release 11.01

Author Rich Allen
15th December 2016

New Features

TOT-3455 - Content managed website GIT version controlled repositories

The TOTECS platform now offers the ability to host GIT version controlled repositories in any content managed websites deployed on the platform.
GIT is a widely popular technology used to version control a collection files and folders (collectively known as a repository), allowing multiple people to work on the same files at the same time, and track any changes that have been made to the files and folders.
Using GIT repositories helps to For each content managed website there is now the ability to create and host two different kind repositories:

  • Public: The files within the repository are accessible by the general public through a web browser via the content managed website's domain
  • Private: The files within the repository are only accessible by users who have been authenticated through TOTECS and pulled the files to their local computer. This ensures that the general public cannot access the files and folders within private repositories.
For both types of repositories the files and folders cannot be directly changed through the Administration Centre, instead they can only be changed by a person modifying the files in the copy of the repository stored on their own computer, then pushed up the changes back to the repository stored in the content managed website.
By using public repositories administrator users may no longer necessarily need to log into the Administration Centre to upload new file versions to a content managed website.
Additionally the GIT repositories store a log of all the changes made by other people, this allows everyone who has deployed the repository to know who changed a file, what they changed, and when they changed it.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, in the Websites interface, for each content managed website a new had been added labelled "Version Controlled Repositories".
Within this tree node will display any version control repositories that have been created. Additionally there is the ability to click on the Plus icon, which will open a dialog where an admin can create a new public or private GIT repository.
Within the "Version Controlled Repositories" node by expanding a version controlled repository users will be able to see the URL of the repository, which can be set within GIT client software, that will allow the repository to be deployed to their local computer.
Once done users can then add files to the local repository, and push the files and changes back up to the content managed website, after authenticating themselves with their admin credentials.
Additionally within the Websites interface admin users have the ability to navigate through repository folders and files to be able to see what is within the repository, without have to clone the repository to their local computer.
Note that the only way to upload files to a repository is using a GIT client. This also ensures that users cannot overwrite other users changes without first updating their local copy of the files.
Any repositories that are public can have its files be accessible from the content managed websites domain, allowing links to these files to be embedded on content managed templates and web page areas.

Functionality Affected: Websites Administration Centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3460 - SEO content managed web page links and web page routing for products, categories, makes, models, and news/blog items

Within any content managed website hosted on the TOTECS platform there is now the ability to set more search engine optimised (SEO) friendly URLs for products, categories, news/blog items, makes, and models.
This is achieved by turning on a new feature that allows URLs to be set so that they do not contain and forward slashes in the URLs or names of web pages. By doing this search engines may rank web pages higher since they think that every page is a top level website page and has greater importance.
To make these SEO URLs possible a new web page routing mechanism has been developed so that the platform knows which web page to use to display a product, category, news/blog item, make or model when the web page name is set in the URL.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, within the Websites interface a new tree node labelled "Webpage Routing" has been added which when clicked on will show a dialog that allows users to assign products, categories, makes, models, and news/blog items to a specific content managed web page.
Additionally when clicking on the website's domain, within the Website Details interface, settings have been added that allow the admin user to choose what is the default web page that products, categories, makes, models, and news/blog items will be displayed on if no web page ID or title has been set within the URL when a web page is loaded, and no routing rules have been matched on.
Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, within the Websites Settings interface a new setting has been added that controls if content managed web page routing is allowed. If it has been set to Yes then when a web page loads it will be allowed to route the web page to a different web page if the web page title, or ID has not been given within the URL.
The following content managed web page areas have been modified to allow web page links for categories, products, makes, models, and news/blog items to be set to the default web pages configured for a content managed website:

  • Customer Account Invoice Line Report
  • Make Listing
  • Model Search Listing
  • Model Product
  • News Group Blogs/Items Listing
  • News/Blog Item
  • News/Blogs Crumbs
  • User Details/Favourites/Orders
  • User Viewed Products
  • Shopping List Products
  • Category Listing
  • Product News Listing
  • Category Crumbs
  • Category Scroll
  • Basket Products Listing
  • Product Detail
  • Product Detail (Random Product)
  • Related Products Listing
  • Product Group
  • Product Combination
  • Product Review Form
  • Product Search Results Listing
For each of these areas, if the web page Routing Rules Setting is turned then there will be the ability to set the Webpage Default of the product, category, make, model, and news/blog item links. When done the areas will display SEO optimised links that contain no web page ID or title in the URL, and when clicked will reply upon any web page URL routing rules, or the content managed web sites default web pages to determine which web page will display.

Functionality Affected: Content managed webpages, Websites Administration Centre interface
Impact: Normal


TOT-2909 - Add javascript listeners when a child combination product is loaded in the product details content managed web page area

For any content managed web page the webpage API has been extended to allow custom Javascript to be called when a child combination product is loaded in either a Product Detail or Product Combinations area.
This allows elements, styling, content, and other actions to take place when a different child product has been selected by a user.
With the API the following event types have been added:

For more information on how to use these Javascript events please post your questions on the TOTECS forums.

Functionality Affected: Content managed webpage API
Impact: Normal

TOT-3187 - Settings to change "Not Found" images for categories and products through the Administration Centre

Within the Administration Centre there is now the ability to upload and change the "File Not Found" images for products and categories.
Within the Administration Centre, under the Inventory menu, in the Image Settings interface 2 new settings have been added labelled "Product Not Found Image" and "Category Not Found Image" that allow administrators to view and upload a new version of the file-not-found images.
When the file uploaded it will be resized and placed into the folders that store that different sized images for both categories and products.

Functionality Affected: Inventory Image Settings Administration Centre interface
Impact: Minor

TOT-3385 - Show volume discount pricing within Category Listing and Product Search Results Listing content managed web page areas

On a number content managed web page areas that show a list of products there is now the ability to directly show volume discount pricing for each product if available. This can be used to entice users to buy more product quantities knowing that they will get cheaper prices for each unit.
For the following content managed web page areas a new format has been added called "Product Search Record Volume Discount Price" that is used to display volume discount pricing for each product.

  • Category Listing
  • Product Search Results Listing
  • Product News Listing
  • User Details/Favourites/Orders
  • Related Products Listing
  • User Viewed Products
  • Model Product
  • Product Combination
  • Customer Account Invoice Line Report
  • Customer Account Contract Detail
The "Product Search Record Volume Discount Price" format contains the following hooks:
  • volume_discount_quantity: Quantity that allows the volume discount price to become eligble when the product is ordered.
  • volume_discount_unit: Unit of the product.
  • volume_discount_unit_price_ex_tax: Volume discount price excluding tax.
  • volume_discount_unit_price_inc_tax: Volume discount price including tax
  • volume_discount_unit_price_tax: Tax applied against the volume discount price.
  • volume_discount_unit_price: Volume discount price either including or excluding tax based on project setting.
  • volume_discount_price_reference_type: Type of record where the price was derived from. For example C denotes that the price came from a contract.
  • volume_discount_price_reference_id: Identifier of the record where the price was derived from. For example this could be the ID of the contract where the volume discount was set.
  • volume_discount_price_is_on_contract: Displays either Y or N. If Y then denotes that the price was set from a contract, or other promotional record.
For the Product Search Record format the following hooks have been added to allow the volume discount pricing data to be embedded and show for each product:
  • product_volume_discount_prices: Contains a list of formatted volume discounted price records displaying the unit price of a product if the user ordered a certain quantity.
  • product_has_volume_discount_prices: Displays either Y or N. If Y then donotes that the product contains one or more volume discounts.
For the web page areas listed above, if the "Product Search Record Volume Discount Price" format assigned to the area is not blank, then when the area loads each product the server will need to spend more time finding the volume discount pricing. It is important to check the performance impacts in web page loading times if this functionality is turned on.

Functionality Affected: Content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal

TOT-3424 - When a user submits a credit card payment using TNS gateway submit an IP address

Credit card payments being made throught the TNS/Mastercard payment gateway in the platform will now pass the user's internet IP address to TNS to help it determine if the payment is coming from a fraudulent computer.
If a credit card payment is being made by a user within the Trade interface, content managed website, or Administration Centre for an order, invoice, or custom credit card payment, then if the user's internet connection uses an IP address version 4, the IP address will included in the request made to TNS to process the payment.

Functionality Affected: TNS Credit Card Payments
Impact: Normal

TOT-3444 - Display product attachment file links in Order Checkout/Submission, User Details/Favourites/Orders and Basket Products Listing content managed web page areas

On a content managed web page containing Order Checkout/Submission, User Details/Favourites/Orders and Basket Products Listing areas there is now the ability to show attachment files with each product record listed. Then can help the user be aware and download any documentation associated with certain products purchased.
For each of the areas a new format labelled "Product Attachment Record" can now be assigned to the areas which is used to format each attachment file associated to a product.
The format contains the following hooks:

  • product_attachment_filename: Name of the attachment file name, excluding its entension and unique identifier.
  • product_attachment_id: Unqiue ID of the product attachment.
  • product_attachment_file_extension: Extension of the product attachment file.
  • product_attachment_file_rid: Identifier of the product attachment that indicates when the file was last modified.
  • product_attachment_title: Title set against the product attachment to describe the attachment.
  • order_product_attachments: Contains a list of formatted product attachment records showing the attachment files associated to the ordered product.
  • order_product_attachments: Contains a list of formatted product attachment records showing the attachment files associated to the ordered product.
Within the ordering areas using the "Order Product Record" webpage area format a hook has been added "order_product_attachments" that displays a list of formatted product attachments that can be displayed against each ordered product.
Within the ordering areas using the "Basket Product Record" webpage area format a hook has been added "basket_product_attachments" that displays a list of formatted product attachments that can be displayed against each product in the basket.

Functionality Affected: Order Checkout/Submission, User Details/Favourites/Orders and Basket Products Listing content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal

TOT-3446 - Display product attachment links within Order Submission Email attachment, Order Detail Trade interface page and Order Detail Admin Centre page

Within the Trade interface, Order Notification Email Attachment and in the Administration Centre's Order Detail interface there is now the ability to show attachment files with each product record listed. Then can help the user be aware and download any documentation associated with certain products purchased.
Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, within the Order Settings interface 2 settings have been added to control if attachment links can be shown for each product displayed within the Order Detail page, which is displayed within the Order Notification Email Attachment, Order Detail/Review page in the trade interface, as well as the Order Detail in the Administration Centre when viewing the details of an order.
The 2 settings are as follows:

  • Show Product Attachments On Purchase Orders: If set to YES then any file attachments will be displayed under each ordered product listed within in purchase orders, visible to users in the Trade interface, Administration Centre, and order email notification attachments
  • Purchase Order Product Attachment Format: Sets the content and formatting for attachment file displayed for each ordered product within the purchase order detail if the Show Product Attachments On Purchase Orders setting has been turned on. Set HTML web page code in the format to allow custom styling of the attachment links based on hooks available to the format.

Functionality Affected: Order Detail/Review Trade interface page, Order Detail Administration Centre interface, Order Notification Email attachment
Impact: Normal

TOT-3454 - Hide pricing and add-to-basket fields in Favourties tab of My Items Trade interface page when a price is no longer available for a product

Within the Trade interface, from the My Items page, in the favourites tab, if a product is displayed that does not have a price for the logged in user, then the quantity textbox and add to basket button will no longer display.
This will stop the user from trying to add a product to basket that is not allowed.

Functionality Affected: My Items trade interface page
Impact: Normal

TOT-3456 - Format hooks in Order Checkout/Submision content managed web page areas that allow user to be redirected back to PayPal if payment failed due to insufficient funds

When a user is purchasing products through a content managed website and paying for the order using PayPal, if at the time the order was submitted PayPal rejected the payment, there is now the ability to display a link in the order failed message that allows the user to be redirected back to PayPal to try and pay with a different card.
On a content managed web page containing either a Guest Order Checkout/Submission area, or a Order Checkout/Submission area, in its Order Submission Failure Message format 2 new hooks have been added that can be used to embed a link allowing the user to click on it an be redirected back to PayPal to change their payment details.
The two hooks added are:

  • redirect_payment_failure: Displays either Y or N, if Y then denotes that the order failed to submit due to a payment error, and the user should be redirected to another website to fix the issue, based on the URL given in the redirect_payment_failure_url hook.
  • redirect_payment_failure_url: URL of website to redirect the user to that will allow the order payment issue to be rectified.
A recommended way to use these hooks within the format is like so:

<div class="order_payment_failure_show_redirect_$redirect_payment_failure$">
<a href="$redirect_payment_failure_url$">Click Here</a> to change your payment details and proceed through the checkout process again.

display: inline;
display: none;

Functionality Affected: Guest Order Checkout/Submission, Order Checkout/Submission content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal

TOT-3458 - RRP hooks in User Details/Favourites/Orders content managed web page area to not output "hook not in use" text

On a content managed web page containing a User Details/Favourites/Orders area, if its displaying the user's favourite products, the RRP hooks in the Product Search Record format now no longer output "hook not in use" text, and instead display empty elements and and 0 pricing consistent with other areas using the format.
Note that the area still does not support the ability to display RRP pricing even if the product had such pricing.

Functionality Affected: User Details/Favourites/Orders content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3465 - Guest Order Checkout/Submission content managed web page area to allow spaces to be set in post codes for applicable countries

On a content managed web page containing a Guest Order Checkout/Submission content managed web page area, when a user fills out the order details, they are now able to set spaces within the post code field if they have chosen one of the following countries to send the order to:

Functionality Affected: Guest Order Checkout/Submission content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3466 - Left align quantity field in shopping list detail tab with inthe My Items page of the Trade Interface

Within the Trade interface, in the My Items page, after clicking on a shopping list, in the Shopping List Detail tab the product quantities are now left aligned in its table column.

Functionality Affected: Shopping List Detail Trade Interface page
Impact: Minor

TOT-3467 - Set user session cookies to expire to ensure web browsers don't remember expired sessions

Within both the Trade interface and Administration Centre, after a user has logged in their session is now set to expire based on a fixed period set in the browser cookie. This is done so that if a user leaves interface open after an extended period of time the browser will no longer hold on to an expired session.
After a user's session has been successfully created, an expiry date will now be set to expire the browser session cookie based on the project setting "Session Timeout" that specifies how long a session lasts for, set from within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, within the Websites Settings interface.
Additionally in both the Trade interface and Administration Centre, when a user clicks on the Logout button, a redirect will now take place to redirect the user's browser to either the unsecure or secure domain to clear any session cookie that remains on the other domain, then redirect the user back to the set landing page.
Lastly within the Trade interface if the user's session had expired and they clicked on the Next button on the View Page page, the user will now be redirected back to the wholesale landing page instead of seeing 404 error page.

Functionality Affected: Trade Interface, Administration Centre interfaces
Impact: Normal

TOT-3468 - Content managed web page API functions to allow 3rd party javascript to create, show, hide, and change styling of area popup dialogs

On a content managed webpage its API has been modified to now allow popup dialogs to be opened and closed by any custom Javascript added to a web page.
Within the content managed web page Javascript API's 4 functions have been added that can used to create, show, hide, restyle, and remove popup dialogs from a content managed web page. These functions are:

  • createWebPageAreaPopupDialog
  • showWebPageAreaPopupDialog
  • updateWebPageAreaPopupDialogClass
  • hideWebPageAreaPopupDialog
Documentation has been written within the TOTECS documentation centre that contains more details on these functions, available at

Functionality Affected: Content Managed Webpages
Impact: Normal

TOT-3471 - Customer Account Enquiry Payment records to link to invoices, sales orders, credit records based on line item code if line item ID field is not given

Within the Trade interface, in the Account Enquiry page, when viewing the details of a payment record, if the record contained lines that linked to either invoices, sales orders, or credits, then if the line Item ID had not been given then the details page it now uses the line item code to link to the associated record.
This helps users to be able to open up referenced records when not all the line data has been provided by the linked Accounting or ERP business system.

Functionality Affected: Customer Account Enquiry
Impact: Normal

Bug Fixes

TOT-3350 - Data not being returned to previous state if any Connector data import failed mid import

When any Connector data import is run if an error occurred during the import that caused it to abort, and if any data had changed before it was aborted, then that data was not being rolled back to its previous state.
For example if a Products data import had failed half way through, then any product records that hadn't been updated yet would still have the Is Active field set to No, which would cause those products to no longer display in any websites.
For all Connector data imports, if during an import an error was thrown that caused it to abort, the data import will now correctly roll back the data to its previous state.

Functionality Affected: All Connector Data Imports
Impact: Major

TOT-3440 - No error displayed when an administrator user tries to add input field containing an existing named input within the Search Profiles administration centre interface

Within the administration centre, under the Inventory menu, within the Search Profiles interface, upon editing a product search profile, after attempting to add an input to an input group, if the input name was the same name as another input in the same group the input wouldn't be able to be added to the search profile and no error would display.
Now if the input name was the same another input in the search profile then an error message will show advising as such.

Functionality Affected: Search Profiles Administration Centre interface
Impact: Minor

TOT-3448 - Users incorrectly being deleted when their assigned inventory role is deleted within the User Permissions Administration Centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Users menu, within the User Permissions interface, if an inventory role is deleted, then any users assigned to the deleted role would also incorrectly be deleted.
Now within the User Permissions interface, when any permission role is deleted the platform will re-assign users to the default permission role before deleting the other role. This ensures that users aren't deleted and that they are assigned another role. Additionally the platform will not allow the default inventory role to be deleted.

Functionality Affected: User Permissions Administration Centre interface
Impact: Major

TOT-3449 - Unable to download a CSV file of user data within the Search Users Administration Centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Users menu, within the User Permissions interface, if an inventory role is deleted, then any users assigned to the deleted role would also incorrectly be deleted.
Now within the User Permissions interface, when any permission role is deleted the platform will re-assign users to the default permission role before deleting the other role. This ensures that users aren't deleted and that they are assigned another role. Additionally the platform will not allow the default role to be deleted.

Functionality Affected: User Permissions Administration Centre interface
Impact: Major

TOT-3452 - User unable to subscribe to Emarketing Emedia within a Emedia Subscription Form content managed web page area when original permission roles have been deleted

On a content managed web page containing a Emedia Subscription Form area, after a user had entered their email address into the area's form and clicked on the submit button, the area could have updated advising that the user could not be subscribed to the Emedia. This would only occur if one of the permission roles originally deployed in the project was deleted.
The Emedia Subscription Form area has been modified to correctly assign the default permission roles if a new temporary user is being created and ensure that they can sign up to Emedia.

Functionality Affected: Emedia Subscription process
Impact: Normal

TOT-3461 - Cloning Emedia Email that is being processed within Emedia Messaging Administration Centre interface causes browser to generate lots of server requests

Within the Administration Centre, under the Marketing menu, within the Emedia Messaging interface if an admin user had cloned an Emedia Email that was currently being sent out and marked as PROCESSING, then this could cause a web browser to make lots of requests to the server to check the status of multiple Emedia being sent out.
Now if an admin user clones a Emedia Email, the status of it will now be set back to NEW. This ensures that the interface does not try and continually check the status of Emedia that is not being processed.

Functionality Affected: Emedia Messaging Administration Centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3464 - Global hooks not evaluating out within Related Products Listing content managed web page area header and footer formats

On a content managed web page containing a Related Products Listing content managed web page area, if global hooks were placed within the Related Products Header or Related Products Footer formats, the hooks were not evaluating out and display the value of the hook.
The area has now been modified to allow the Related Products Header or Related Products Footer formats to evaluate values out for hooks embedded within the formats.

Functionality Affected: Related Products Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3472 - Product Image uploaded from the Connector not being uploaded against the correct product when multiple images contain the same Key Product Image ID

If the Connector was uploading a product image into a TOTECS project, if a previous image had been uploaded that contains the same Key Product Image ID but a different Key Product ID, the uploaded image file may have been incorrectly overwriting the other image containing the same Key Product ID.
The Connector Product Image process has been modified to correctly find existing images based on a product image matching both the key image ID and the product's key product ID. This ensures that images of one product cannot overwrite another.

Functionality Affected: Product image connector import
Impact: Normal

TOTECS Service Centre Coordinator