Help Centre Forum


TOTECS Platform Release 14.00


Author moderator
22nd October 2019


TOT-3903 - Setting to customise the subject in an Enquiry Form content managed web page area submission

When a user submits an enquiry form on an Enquiry Form content managed web page area, the email notification's subject is now configurable for each Enquiry Form area.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites interface, for a web page that contains an Enquiry Form area, within the Webpage Editor, in the Enquiry Form area's settings dialog, a new setting labelled "Emarketing Email Subject" has been added that allows the admin user to set the subject that appears in the enquiry form submission email notification.

In the setting admin users may put placeholders allowing the values of enquiry form elements to appear in the subject. To do so place the data hook $element_value_[element_name]$ where [element_name] is replaced with the actual name of the enquiry form's value you wish to embed in the subject ie. $element_value_phone_number$ for an enquiry form that has a phone_number element.

If the Emarketing Email Subject setting is not set or left empty then the email notification subject will default to the default "ENQUIRY REQUEST" subject when an enquiry form email notification is sent.

Functionality Affected: Enquiry Form content managed web page area

Impact: Normal


TOT-3920 - Identify traffic from SEOKicks crawler within the Project Traffic Statistics Administration Centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Statistics menu, within the Project Traffic Statistics interface, under the "Requests By Search Engines, Crawlers and Software" section it now is able to report and show requests made by the SEO Kicks crawler. This crawler is associated to, which is a marketing company in Germany that crawls websites. Additionally the Project Traffic Statistics interface now loads over a secure connection.

Functionality Affected: Project Traffic Statistics admin centre interface

Impact: Minor


TOT-3922 - Allow value_holder data hooks to be placed within Order Surcharge IF rule values

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, within the Order Surcharges interface, if an IF rule is added to the surcharge tree, there is now the ability to compare the value of a basket/order field with the value set within a value holder. Upon editing or adding an IF rule node, within the Add/Modify IF Rule Node dialog, in the value textbox administrator users can enter the data hooks $value_holder$, $value_holder2$, $value_holder3$ or $value_holder4$.

When the order surcharge rules are executed within the Trade interface for a content managed webpage containing Freight Surcharge Calculator or within the Order Checkout/Review area the value_holder data hooks will be replaced with the value previously set against them. The evaluated value will then be compared against the order/basket field value that is selected for the IF rule.

Note that only value_holder data hooks will evaluate within IF order surcharge rule values, and other data hooks will fail to evaluate.

Functionality Affected: Order Surcharges admin centre interface, Order Submission process

Impact: Normal


TOT-3927 - Customer Account and user hooks in Basket Selection Record area format in Basket Selection content managed web page area

On a content managed web page displaying a Basket Selection area, for each basket record displayed in the area, it is now able to display additional data about the user and customer account assigned to each basket. in the area's Basket Selection Record format the following hooks have been added:

  • basket_record_customer_account_company_name: Name of the company set against the customer account who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_customer_account_contact: Name of the contact person set against the customer account who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_customer_account_business_number: Business number set against the customer account who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_customer_account_territory: Territory set against the customer account who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_user_login_id: Login ID of the user who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_user_contact: Name of contact for the user who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_user_email: Email address of the user who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_user_mobile: Mobile phone number of the user who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_user_name1: First name of the user who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_user_name2: Second name of the user who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_user_name3: Third name of the user who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_user_company_name: Company name set against the user who is assigned to the basket.

  • basket_record_user_display_name: Display name of the user who is assigned to the basket.', 'User Display Name

Any of these format hooks can be optionally embedded within the area's format.

Functionality Affected: Basket Selection content managed web page area

Impact: Normal



TOT-3929 - Setting to not allow customer account quotes to be converted to orders if one or more products cannot be priced and raise email notification

On a content managed web page area that contains a Customer Account Enquiry Quotes Listing area, if the user has permission to convert a selected quote to an order, there are now settings that controls if the user is allowed to convert a quote to an order when one or more products in the quote cannot be priced. There is also the ability for an email notification to be sent out to nominated email addresses when a user attempts and fails to convert a quote to an order. Additionally new settings have been added to set the message that users see if a quote fails to be converted to an order.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, within the Order Settings interface, a section has been added labelled "Quote To Order Conversion". Within that section the following settings have been added:

  • Quote To Order Conversion Line Matching Conditions: Determines the conditions on whether a retrieve account enquiry quote record can be converted into an order, based on how quote lines are matched to products. If set to "At Least One Quote Line Matches A Product" then at least one item line in the quote must match an active priced product for a quote to be allowed to convert to an order. If set to "All Quote Lines Must Match Products" then all item lines in the quote must match an active priced product for the quote to be allowed to convert to an order.

  • Quote To Order Conversion Fail Permission Message: Set the message that displays when a retrieved account enquiry quote record fails to be converted to an order because the user's Facility permission role does not allow them to convert quotes into orders.

  • Quote To Order Conversion Fail No Lines Matched Message: Set the message that displays when a retrieved account enquiry quote record fails to be converted to an order because the none of the quote lines match any active products that the user is allowed to buy

  • Quote To Order Conversion Fail Line(s) Not Matched Message: Set the message that displays when a retrieved account enquiry quote record fails to be converted to an order because one or more of the quote lines match any active products that the user is allowed to buy

  • Send Notification Email When Quote To Order Conversion Fails: Set if an email notification should be sent out when a retrieved account enquiry quote record fails to be converted to an order.

  • Quote To Order Conversion Notification Email Recipients: Set a comma separated list of email addresses who will receive an email notification when a user fails to convert an account enquiry quote record to an order

  • Quote To Order Conversion Notification Email Subject: Set the subject that displays with the notification email when the user fails to convert an account enquiry quote record to an order

  • Quote To Order Conversion Fail Notification Email Content Format: Set the message content that displays within the notification email when the user fails to convert an account enquiry quote record to an order.

Once these settings have been saved then the next time a quote is attempted to be converted into an order within the Customer Account Enquiry Quotes Listing area the settings will come into effect.

Functionality Affected: Customer Account Enquiry Quotes Listing content managed web page area

Impact: Normal



TOT-3933 - Add settings to Product Quick Add Form content managed web page area to allow the first found product to automatically be added to basket with a default quantity

On a content managed web page containing a Product Quick Add Form area, it now has the ability to automatically add the first found product to basket as soon as one or more products matches the search text given. Additionally the area now supports adding the pack quantity of a product to basket if selected from the unit selection drop down. The area also supports setting the quantity of the product already added to basket in the quantity text box, as well as setting a customisable default quantity if the product has not yet been added to basket.

With the area's settings window within the Administration Centre's Web Page Editor interface the following settings have been added to the Product Quick Add Form area:

  • Initially Select Add Product To Basket Checkbox: If set to Yes, then within the area's Basket Quick Add Form area format if a checkbox exists with the ID of the "quick_add_product_auto_add_checkbox_id" data hook value, then the check box will be selected when the area initially loads on page. This controls if the first product found in the quick add should be added automatically to basket or not.

  • Select Product Pack Unit: If set to Yes then if a drop down element is embedded within the Basket Quick Add Form area format with the ID of the "quick_add_product_unit_select_element_id" data hook value, then the default option set for the drop down should be set to PACK if the product found can be added to basket in as the quantity that makes up a pack.

  • Default Product Quantity: Either leave empty or set a numeric quantity that will be set in the area's quantity textbox when a product is found and hasn't been previously added to basket.

  • Increase Product Quantity By: Either leave empty or set a numeric quantity that will be added to the quantity of a product that has already been added to basket, and is displayed in the quantity textbox. This allows the quantity of the product added to basket to increase when added to basket from the area multiple times, such as using a barcode scanner device.

Within the area's Basket Quick Add Form area the following hooks have been added:

  • quick_add_product_auto_add_checkbox_id: Contains the ID that needs to be set within the ID attribute of a checkbox element, that controls if the first found product should be automatically added to basket without being selected.

  • quick_add_product_unit_select_element_id: Contains the ID that needs to be set within the ID attribute of a drop down select element, that allows the user to choose if a product is added to basket as individual units, or in pack quantities.

Within the area a checkbox can be embedded within its format to allow the user to choose if they want products to be automatically added to basket if they are the first option found with the search text given. Is this checkbox is selected then the area will select the product automatically and load its details into the area, as well as try to add the product to basket. For this to work the quantity textbox must have a default value set, based on the settings configured within the area. If the product is successfully added to basket then the area will clear the details of the product and focus back to the search textbox. If a product previously added to basket is loaded in the area, then its quantity will be set in the quantity textbox. If the Increase Product Quantity By area setting is set to a numeric value then the quantity in the textbox will be increased by the amount set. This allows barcode scanners to be used to repeatedly enter the same product code, with each scan increasing the product quantity added to basket.

Additionally within the area a select drop down can be embedded that allows the user to choose if they wish to add an individual quantity to basket or a pack quantity (if the product has multiple quantities per pack set). This drop down can be automatically set to always choose the pack option if available for the product based on the area's Select Product Pack Unit setting.

Functionality Affected: Product Quick Add Form content managed web page area

Impact: Normal



TOT-3934 - Settings to calculate freight order units based on weight for SmartFreight orders

For an order submitted by a user through either the Trade interface, or content managed website, or an freight order resent from the within the Administration Centre's Orders interface, if the order is sent to Smartfreight then the freight unit set within the order data can now be determined based on the total weight of products in the the order. Additionally there is now the ability to determine the freight unit set in the SmartFreight order data factoring both volume and weight of the order.

Project settings have been created to specify the maximum weight of each freight unit, and the weight threshold before a larger freight unit should be used.

Within the Administration Centre under the Stores menu, within the Freight Providers settings interface, under the Freight Provider - SmartFreight section the following settings have been added:

  • Freight Unit 1 Weight: Sets the the amount of weight (in kilograms) that can fit into the selected first freight unit setting. This is used to calculate the quantity of units needed to carry the freight, which is used for freight cost estimates and full order importing.

  • Freight Unit Chosen By Checking: Determines which freight unit is set within the order when sent to SmartFreight. This is based on checking either the volume thresholds against the total order volume, the weight thresholds against the order total weight, or both. If both volume and weight is checked then the highest unit of either will determine the freight unit used.

  • Freight Unit Weight Threshold 1: Set the a value in kilograms that if the total order weight exceeds will cause the second freight unit to be set in the order details sent to SmartFreight.

  • Freight Unit 2 Weight: Sets the the amount of weight (in kilograms) that can fit into the selected second freight unit setting. This is used to calculate the quantity of units needed to carry the freight, which is used for freight cost estimates and full order importing.

  • Freight Unit Weight Threshold 2: Set the a value in kilograms that if the total order weight exceeds will cause the third freight unit to be set in the order details sent to SmartFreight.

  • Freight Unit 3 Weight: Sets the the amount of weight (in kilograms) that can fit into the selected third freight unit setting. This is used to calculate the quantity of units needed to carry the freight, which is used for freight cost estimates and full order importing.

  • Freight Unit Weight Threshold 3: Set the a value in kilograms that if the total order weight exceeds will cause the fourth freight unit to be set in the order details sent to SmartFreight.

  • Freight Unit 4 Weight: Sets the the amount of weight (in kilograms) that can fit into the selected fourth freight unit setting. This is used to calculate the quantity of units needed to carry the freight, which is used for freight cost estimates and full order importing.

  • Freight Unit Weight Threshold 4: Set the a value in kilograms that if the total order weight exceeds will cause the fifth freight unit to be set in the order details sent to SmartFreight.

  • Freight Unit 5 Weight: Sets the the amount of weight (in kilograms) that can fit into the selected fifth freight unit setting. This is used to calculate the quantity of units needed to carry the freight, which is used for freight cost estimates and full order importing.

If the Freight Unit Chosen By Checking setting is set to Volume then only the Freight Unit Volume Thresholds settings will be checked against when a freight order is sent to SmartFreight. Is the setting is set to Weight then only the Freight Unit Weight Thresholds settings will be checked against when a freight order is sent to SmartFreight. If the setting is set to Volume and Weight then both the volume and weight threshold settings will be checked against. In this case the freight unit chosen will be based on the freight unit that meets the highest volume or weight threshold. If thresholds are set to 0 then freight units for these thresholds will be ignored.

It is recommended to use both weight and volume settings to determine the most accurate amount of freight the that ordered products need to be packaged in. Note that these settings only need to be set if the "Send Freight Orders To 3rd Party Freight Provider" is set to "SmartFreight - Full Import" or the "Freight Provider Calculate Order Freight Surcharge" setting is set to Yes, to ensure that SmartFreight can correctly price the order with the correct number of freight units specified.

Functionality Affected: SmartFreight Order submission

Impact: Normal



TOT-3938 - Settings to control how order products are sorted when sales order is displayed within the Trade interface, content managed website, Administration Centre and sent to the Connector software

Within the Trade interface, Administration Centre, content managed websites, and Connector order submission the ordering of products in Order Review and Order Detail areas and listings is now controlled 2 new settings added to the Administration Centre. This allows administrators to have further control over how products are sorted, both for users and within their own connected business system.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, within the Order settings interface, the following settings have been added:

  • Order Products Sort By Field: Set the field used to sort products that display within an order, as well as when sent to the Connector software/connected business system. By default the setting is set to Product Code to maintain previous sorting behaviour.

  • Order Products Sort By Direction: Set the direction that products are sorted by when displayed within an order, as well as when sent to the Conenctor software/connected business system. By default the setting is set to Ascending to maintain previous sorting behaviour.

Once these settings have been saved then they will apply when any users reference the webpage where they are viewing the order detail from, or when an order is next submitted to the Connector software.

Functionality Affected: Order Submission process

Impact: Normal



TOT-3939 - Setting to set the prefix text within the Special Instruction field when an order is sent to SmartFreight

When an order is submitted through either the Trade interface, content managed website, or the order resent from the Administration Centre's Orders interface to SmartFreight, within the SmartFreight order detail, within the first Special Instructions field a setting now exists to control what prefix text is set in the field before the delivery contact name and order instructions.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, within the Freight Providers settings interface a new setting has been added labelled "Smart Freight Order Special Instructions Prefix Text". The value set in this setting will be placed at the beginning of the SmartFreight order's Special Instructions field. By default the setting is set to "ATTN:". The maximum length for the setting is set to 50 characters.

Functionality Affected: SmartFreight Order Submission process

Impact: Minor


TOT-3947 - Setting to allow the allocated Sales Rep ID to be seen on Order Confirmation Email Notification when a non sales rep user submits an order

When a user submits a sales order either through the Trade interface, or from a content managed web page containing an Order Checkout/Submission, Guest Order Checkout.Submission, Pending Order.Review areas, when the order is submitted by a user who is not set as a sales rep user, and the "Sales Rep Assigned To The Order" setting within the Administration Centre's Order interface is set to "Account", then when the order confirmation email notification is sent out the details of the sales representative assigned to the order are able to display within both the email content, and order attachment with the existing data hooks provided in the "Order Confirmation Email Message Format" and "Order Confirmation Email Order Detail Format" settings.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Stores menu, within the Order settings interface, a new setting labelled "Display Sales Rep Details Assigned To Order" has been added. If it is set to Yes then the details of sales rep assigned to the order will display in the order confirmation email, else if the setting is set to No then if the user who submitted the order is assigned as a sales rep user, then the details of the sales rep assigned to the user will be displayed (the default behaviour).

Functionality Affected: Order Submission process

Impact: Normal


TOT-3950 - Set a sender email field when an order is submitted to SmartFreight

When an order is submitted via either the Trade interface, content managed website, or via the Administration Centre, if the project is configured to be send the order to the SmartFreight service with either the partial import or full import, in the order details an additional field called "sendemail" will now be set that places the email address of the "Order Sender Email Address" project setting into the field, if the setting is not empty. This will allow SmartFreight to send out an email notifications to the customer notifying them of the delivery taking place with the freight carrier.

Functionality Affected: SmartFreight Order Submission process

Impact: Normal


TOT-3954 - Ordering field for product images to sort list of images for a product

For product images a new field has been added called "Ordering" that can be set to control how product images are sorted when multiple images are assigned to a product, and the product is displayed in a list on a content managed web page containing a Product Detail area.

Additionally the image's ordering field may determine which image should show for an image within Product Search Results Listing areas, order details areas, and other places a product's image displays. The ordering field is only used if no primary image is set for a product. The product images will be sorted based on the image containing the lowest ordering to the highest ordering.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Inventory menu, in the Product Editor interface, under the Images tab a new field called "ordering" has been added to allow a numeric value set by an administrator user.

The ordering field of a product image can also be set by the Connector via the Product Image connector data import, if the ordering field is set active within the Connector, otherwise the ordering field's data won't be changed.

Functionality Affected: Product Image data import, Product Editor admin centre interface

Impact: Normal


Bug Fixes

TOT-3918 - User Detail Administration Centre interface incorrectly showing primary inactive customer account address

Within the admin centre, under the Users menu, within the User Search interface, after finding a user and clicking on the user's login ID, within the Users Details interface, under the the Account Information section, it was incorrectly showing an inactive primary address of the customer account the user is assigned to.

Now within the Users Details interface, under the the Account Information section, it will only show active primary address details of the customer account the user is assigned to. If no active primary address exists for the customer account then it will display empty address fields.

Functionality Affected: User Detail admin centre interface

Impact: Normal


TOT-3921 - Orders and invoices paid with SecurePay credit card payment type incorrectly rounding payment amount

Within either the Trade interface, or on a content managed website that contains an Order Checkout/Submission area, after a user had added products to basket and proceeded to the Order Checkout Detail area, if they clicked on the Credit Card payment type, then clicked the next button, and enter the credit card details and clicked the pay button, if the payment gateway handling the credit card payment is set to Secure Pay, then the payment amount may have its cents incorrectly rounded up or down. This caused a difference between the order total amount inc. tax, and the payment amount.

Now the payment amount is correctly not rounded when sent to SecurePay, ensuring that the payment total matches the invoice/order/custom payment amount required.

Functionality Affected: Secure Pay Credit Card Payment process

Impact: Normal


TOT-3931 - Add to Basket Javascript event listener is not being fired after product added to basket in Product Deals Listing content managed web page area contained within an area popup

On a content managed web page containing any area that calls an area popup, if the area within the popup caused an event to take place that 3rd party javascript is listening to, the event won't be called because at the time the event listening function was added the area within the popup wouldn't have existed.

To get around this issue an additional parameter has been added to the TOTECS.retail.fs.createWebPageAreaPopupDialog dialog called afterAreasLoadedFunction.

This parameter takes a function that will be called once the areas within the popup dialog have loaded. It is within this function that Javascript code called to add an event listener to one or all areas that loaded in the function, or on the web page.

Functionality Affected: content managed web page

Impact: Normal


TOT-3932 - Customer Account Listing content managed web page areas displays incorrect date range when pagination is selected and date range is set to Last 90+ Days

On a content managed web page that contains either a Customer Account Invoice Listing, Customer Account Sales Order Listing, Customer Account Back Order Listing, Customer Account Credit Listing, Customer Account Payment Listing, Customer Account Quote Listing or Customer Account Transaction Listing, if the user had set the date range drop down to the "Last 90+ Days" option, then if the record list contained multiple pages of records, upon the user clicking on any page number link, the date range drop down would incorrectly no longer display "Last 90+ Days" date option.

Now if the user had selected the "Last 90+ Days" date range drop down option, then the option will correctly still stay selected if the user paginates to another page of records.

Functionality Affected: Customer Account Invoice Listing, Customer Account Sales Order Listing, Customer Account Back Order Listing, Customer Account Credit Listing, Customer Account Payment Listing, Customer Account Quote Listing or Customer Account Transaction Listing content managed web page areas

Impact: Normal


TOT-3935 - Related Products Connector data import unable to link products together when a product contains letters in its keyProductID

Within the Administration Centre, under the Data menu, within the Data Imports interface, in the Connector Imports tab when the Related Products data imports ran, for each related product record being processed, if the Key Product ID of a product contained a letter character, then the data import would fail to relate one product to another.

Now if the Key Product ID of a product contains a letter character, then the data import will now correctly relate one product to another.

Functionality Affected: Related Products Connector data import

Impact: Normal


TOT-3936 - Users incorrectly allowed to add an out of stock product to basket when Check Stock setting is turned on and the user does not have permission to back order

Within either the Trade interface or from a content managed website, if a user tried to add a product to basket and they are assigned to a inventory role that either has the backorder permission set to deny, or the product has an override with the backorder permission set to deny, and the Check Stock project setting is turned on, then the user would incorrectly be to add the product to basket that they weren't allowed to.

Now users will correctly be unable to add a product to basket when the quantity being added exceeds the available stock quantity.

Previously the add-to-basket process was incorrectly checking to see if the user's inventory role had the back order permission set to Allow, as opposed to Deny. The bug only affects customers who have the "Check Stock" project setting turned on.

Functionality Affected: Add Product To Basket process

Impact: Normal


TOT-3941 - User Detail content managed web page area not showing correct customer account balance when the user is not a sales rep and has permission to switch accounts assigned to them

On a content managed webpage display a User Detail area, if the user was not a sales rep user and was assigned to a Facility Role that had the "View Customer Accounts" permission set to allow, then when they switched to a customer account they were assigned to the User Detail area would not incorrectly still show the balance of the account assigned to their primary basket.

The User Detail area now will show the details of the customer account that the user has assigned to them and has switched to.

Functionality Affected: User Detail content managed web page area

Impact: Normal


TOT-3943 - Product back order warning message not displaying when an out-of-stock product quantity is added to basket and Check Stock is setting set to WARN and user has permission to back order a product

Within in either a content managed website or on the Trade interface, if the "Check Stock" order setting is set to "Warn" then the warning message wasn't being displayed if a user added a product to basket from either interface and the quantity added exceeded the available quantity of the product when the user is assigned to an inventory permission role that allowed them to back order the product.

Now if the "Check Stock" order setting is set to "Warn" then warning message will be displayed if a user adds a product to basket from either interface and the quantity added exceeds the available quantity of the product, regardless of whether the user has permission to back order the product or not.

Note that if the "Check Stock" setting is set to BLOCK and the user has permission to back order a product being added to basket that is out-of-stock, the product will be silently added to basket and no blocking mechanism will occur.

Functionality Affected: Product Add To Basket process

Impact: Normal


TOT-3945 - Checkout process fails when using ZipPay payment method with invalid user/product data.

Within a content managed webpage containing a Order Checkout/Submission area, when a user tried to checkout using the ZipPay payment method and either the order product data or user data was invalid, the ZipPay API would fail and the user would not receive feedback of the failure. This could cause confusion for the user.

Now if a user tries to checkout using the ZipPay payment method and either product or user data is invalid, an error message will be returned from the ZipPay API and displayed to the user. The user will remain at the Order Detail screen until either the invalid data is corrected or a different payment method is selected.

Functionality Affected: Order Checkout/Submission content managed web page area

Impact: Normal


TOT-3948 - Product Attributes Connector data import failing to complete successfully when attribute records contain no dataType property

Within the Administration Centre, under the Data menu, within the Data Imports interface, in the Connector Imports tab, if a Product Attributes data import was ran, the import was not able to successfully complete if the attribute records being imported contain no dataType property. When this property wasn't included in the data then data import would abort with the error "An error occurred whilst trying to create a new attribute in the product attribute data import".

Now if a Product Attributes data import is ran, the import will now successfully complete if the attribute records being imported contain no dataType property. When this property isn't included in the data the data import will ignore trying to read the dataType property if it doesn't exist and by default set an attribute's data type to STRING.

Functionality Affected: Product Attributes Connector data import

Impact: Normal


TOT-3949 - Un-priced combination products incorrectly appearing in Category Listing and Product Search Result Listing content managed web pages when Allow Zero Price Combination Products setting is set to no

On a content managed web page containing either Category Product Listing, Product Search Results Listing, or any other areas that display a list of products, if the project's Allow Zero Price Combination Products setting was set to No then any combination products that have no pricing set would incorrectly appear in product listing areas.

Now if the project's Allow Zero Price Combination Products setting is set to No then any combination products that have no pricing set will now correctly not appear within the product listings.

Previously the Allow Zero Price Combination Products setting was ingored when standardised pricing was built into the TOTECS platform.

Functionality Affected: Category Product Listing, Product Search Results Listing content managed web page areas

Impact: Normal